Sunday, September 30, 2012
Purple Posies
In the course of a week, I do a few things each and every day.. never really knowing how they are going to turn out.. or what will be added to them... sometimes I will tape them into my journal on a page that I like for them at that time... and sometimes they will be a finishing touch for a page... I really never know.
So today was really no different... I went to JUST ADD WATER Challenge and Jenn has the challenge of BOTANICAL.... wow... a wide open one for me... I love all living things... and so I went to town... Thinking ... sort of, but not really... I was going to do flowers... my favorite of all times anyway...
So I started to flip through the journal I am working in... and found this really nice zendala that I had a done a while back... and decided to play with that page...
Of course in looking through the journal... I had glue in a few butterflies, a couple of other things that were begging to be put into the journal today... LOL... but they were... they were sitting on my work table... starring at me!!! So in they went.
So I started to work on this page... and I drew a few flowers around the edges of the DREAM tag... which is all glimmery and shiney... with a light silver shine to it... along with some purples and lavenders...
This page has some of my very favorite things... purples, flowers, tangling, dreams... and journaling... Love them all...
I love making layers of all kinds on everything I do... so I wanted to add another layer to this already 3 layer page... so I drew some more flowers and colored them.. .cut them out and glued them into place...
I even added another dimension to the flowers, but adding some Liquid Pearls to the centers... just a little bit... nothing gaudy.. just a little...
As you can see the shine on the tag here... sometimes these pictures just don't do the page justice... as I love to use my Twinkling H20's and also Perfect Pearls on my pages... I love them to shine...
Life is not one color, one dimension, or one of anything... I could go on and on... but will leave it at that... so I try to make my pages of flowers as living as possible on many layers... and levels..
I even added some Tangle leaves to the flowers... trying to keep the theme of this Zendala all sort of together...
The Zendala is only 3x3 inches... and the page of the journal is 5.5 X 8.5..
If this is your first time on my blog... I do make all my own journals with papers I have painted and then cut in half and bind with a coil binder... makes it my art in so many more ways... I love each journal I have in my possession... I have lost many over the past 50 years... How could that be ... when I am only 29... LOL... Anyway... I use to have a lot more.. but so many have been lost, put aside and then lost again... so these are now on the top of my working area... and will stay within sight. I love my journals... and the other day I found a written journal and might even jazz that up..??? What do you think???
Well have a nice day... enjoy your weather no matter what it is... and go with the feelings you have. Thanks for stopping by for a visit... and see you soon.. .
Love, Light and Peace... Bonnie
Saturday, September 29, 2012
Elongated Triangles for a zendangle!!!
Happy Saturday!!! One and all... yippeee... I love the week-ends... especially when it is a rainy day... which we have had all morning... it is such a good excuse to honker down in the studio and play... which is just what I did... a fun time..
This week over at The Bright Owl... (love that name Erin...) there is the weekly challenge... and this week the zendala is really all elongated triangles... I really wanted to shade this whole thing... and not tangle it at all!!! I love it... so the first one I used my colored pencils and colored it in... and then finally gave in and tangled a few areas... but really wanted it all shaded... love it...
So here is the first one I did...
I used a few colors... but tried to keep it as simple in the number of colors as possible... but I wanted an array of violets to blues and onto a lime... a favorite color combination of mine... that is for sure...
And of course I had to put it into my journal that I am working on.. .
There is a pocket at the bottom... and the page is not complete at all... so I never know what will happen to the rest of this page.. .
And of course I had to do one that had flowers... and leaves... and sweetness to it... I love my flowers... daisies being my most favorite...
I put this zendala on a punched piece of paper that is also a pocket... this whole journal has a pocket almost on every other page... just so I can tuck little things into the pockets...
Here is the way the page looks at this point... the top part of the page is a piece of plastic packaging that has been repurposed... with some alcohol inks, archival ink and stamps... so much fun... I loved teaching a whole class on this... everyone really had fun in the class too... as did I...
Last by not least... a black and white zendala.. again... I did a lot of shading.. as these triangles really spurred me to do this... I lvoe it.. in and out... love the motion of this...
Well I hope that you have a great week-end... enjoying every minute of it...
Thanks for stopping by for a visit... and hope to do some more blogging this week.. .I have been spending a lot of time cleaning out stuff in my home... I need to de-clutter each and every room... including my studio. So that is what I have been up to these days... but I am also enjoying these lovely fall days.. .
Love, Light and Peace... Bonnie
colored pencils,
Journal Page,
Zen Tangle,
Zendala challenge
Monday, September 24, 2012
A new Tangle to play with...
Happy FALL!!! boy oh boy did it arrive here today.. it is a typical GREAT fall day... and I LOVE it... nice cool weather.... crispness in the air... and just perfect weather... I personally love the spring and the fall... because the weather is so perfect... LOVE IT... Hope that you have had a nice day...
I took my journal out on the deck and started to play... and all of a sudden I realized that I had to go to the store... so I quickly went and got done what I needed to, to come back and tangle a little more... I have had fun today...
Also in the mail I got another set of Derwent pencils... these are the graphite ones with color... so that of course took me off into another direction... as I had to play with them... I really like them so far... and they are water soluble too... super great for tangling with..
I wanted to try a few new things... this being one... I love it.. I wanted the back ground to show thru... so I added white into the center of the chain links... and used a white ink on the tangle...
The background is done with twinkling h2o's... my favorite paints of all times...
The background on this page is done with gelatoes... a very different look.... entirely different in real life too...
This page I had to do what I saw in my dream last night... or this morning... when ever it was in my dream... the petals were a little bit different... but sort of like this.. I am going to play with it a little more... anyway... this is a beginning...
Anyway... i had seen it a few weeks ago.. but to be honest it really didn't strike me as one that I would enjoy... that is still up in the air... but I did try it quite a few times... and here is what I came up with... This is the entire page...
And this is a closeup of the IX tangle.... I again used white paint on the chain... and the background was done with dylusions... a great spray. If you haven't tried them... it is a must... VIVID, BRIGHT colors... love them...
This tag was created with twinkling H2's... and then I started to tangle on it... and love the way it turned out... but not my favorite...
I am still not really in love with this tangle... but that doesn't mean anything...sometimes it is just like that... things have to grow on me.
I love the colors of this page... and so I wanted to use them today... the fall colors are screaming out of this page...
So I have a blast doing this one...
The background was done with Dylusion sprays... and then a little inks here and there... I tangled it... and then shaded with my new derwent graphite pencils... they have color to them... love these already...
They give you depth and also a subtle color... and it allows you to shade, cover up mistakes... (YEAH!!!) and hide a multitude of yuckie areas...
So yes I love them...
And I love the way that this page turned out...
Do YOU???
I really hope that you are enjoying this wonderful fall weather... I am... it has been one of those days, that I really don't want to end... and yet, I can hardly wait to cuddle up underneath a quilt and read too...
Thanks for stopping by for a visit... and also all the GREAT comments you all are leaving.. .I love you all... and thank you from the bottom of my heart...
Love, Light and Peace....Bonnie
Yet another Journal
I love doing journals.... this is the third one like this, that I have finished... it is all me... I love painting papers... so I took a stack of papers, 8.5 X 11 and cut them in half... and then bound them to create this journal... easy enough... I still have a couple yet to fill... but I don't work on just one at a time... since I made quite a few all at once, I have been working on them all too... Love certain colored pages and use them first... then I have to go back and fill in with other things... LOL... always a fun project can be created on one of the pages...
With that being said... here is another journal... starting with the cover...
The words that are in CAPITAL letters... are the tiny little words that you can't see... so I have written them again.... good reminders about the page...

I love these Fred Mullet Fish stamps... and made quite a few of them a few years ago... In my journals I am trying to keep track of all the different techniques and things that I love to do all in one place... LOL.. I have so many journals going that just keeping track of them is a job in its self!!! But I think you get the general idea... I also love to make Tea Bag Medallions... and have made quite a few CD's filled with all kinds of tea bag designs.. and they are for sale still... each CD also has over do different folds... you will really have fun with these CD's...
I spent quite a time cleaning out bins of things that my Mother sent down to me when she moved a couple years ago... and some of them really have no memory for me at all... nor would anyone else in the family desire t hem... so I have taken some of the things and used them in unique and different ways... for example the word enjoy... one of my favorite words... and it was cut out... what fun... so I put it on the inside cover of this journal... along with another medallion..
From time to time I teach a class in flower making... and also have a lot of my digital flowers on Pretties by Bonnie Blog for sale... this happens to be one of the samples... I love some of these and didn't want to loose them in the paper piles... so into the journal they went...
I also did a few fun background papers to mount them onto... this one is done with layers and layers of inks, embossing... and then more color and more embossing... so very much fun... I love layers on papers...
A practice tangle paper that I just couldn't throw out... I love all these pretty little flowers... and then I added a misc braid that was on my work desk...
Along with a few more flowers... collage... hey... that is called clean up and glue in my space...
You will see a lot of these pin wheels in this journal... they are for September 21st as it is the International day of PEACE... and on the challenge of I am the Diva, this week, she had us tangle one... well I am not a one type person... always have to try things a few times... so I am in the process of making 20... as I really love to meditate on PEACE... and know that it is a very important process that we are in the middle of working thru...
Hope fully we will all obtain inner peace and then can spread it outward to all on the face of the earth...
A tag for Pretties by Bonnie samples... and it had to go into this journal... it was begging... and then when it got in there.. .I had to tangle over it... I love this tangle... I do it a little bit differently, but love it no matter how it is done... so very elegant in all ways... and with the matching colors... GREAT TANGLE...
There are certain colors that I love... and the
combinations are just as much a favorite as the actual colors are... this happens to be a reminder of SPRING...
The arrival of baby chicks... so fluffy... and the Joyous colors of Spring... Happy, Bright, Loving and New life...
Sometimes I have to have a new stamp... so I make one or two, or three that I love... I love these leaf stamps... and use them for all kinds of creations... I just felt like stamping... so here it is... all leaves ... with some Asian birds attached...
I am cleaning out closets, selling, books, cards... all kinds of things to make room for other things that I create... you can take a look here to see some... and thus the words... Finding Stuff... as I am finding so much... didn't know I had so very much...
When I want to paint, I might not have a reason for painting something.. .but that doesn't matter... I still paint... using the colors that I need to use... the rest will follow when needed...
That is what has happened here... peach and turquoise were the needed colors of the day... and then I added some flowers, leaves, and of course the words...
CAPTURE MAGIC.... so very important in each of our lives... and allow it to work with your inner being... enjoy life...
PLAY WHOLE HEART-EDLY... (spelling is not a top priority when creating in my journals... the feelings are the main part... )
I have done a lot of different challenges over the past few years... and sometimes I will enter a journal page... as that is what I am in the mood to create and also need to express myself in that manner... this is one of those pages... I think this was for a Tim Holtz challenge??? But can't remember...
CREATE ART.... I did this page the day prior to our 44th anniversary this year... so it was back in June... The Journey is the destination... so very true...
And on the page opposite it, I had written Now and Then it's good to pause in our pursuit of Happiness and JUST BE HAPPY....
Something that is an ongoing process in my life... a hard one too... I am trying... but a battle... I love too many things and those things create clutter... not good... but they are memories... how can I get rid of them????
A very dear friend sent me a card that reminded her of me... she loved the bird houses... the birds, and the FLOWERS.... she felt that they reminded her of the ones I draw all the time... thanks Kathy... I love your thinking...
So very true... and I try to do all these everyday..
So on this page I drew some of the flowers... and also added some more of the card... it was tri folded card with lots of wonderful pictures... I just couldnt throw it away...
Fly High... Soar... birds always seem to be so FREE and full of life.. I love to watch them live their lives... as I do the butterfly... that is what this page is all about... being free...
In side the tea bag wreath there is a mirror to remind me to fly high... fly free... live free... adore the life I have... and remember who I am in all ways..
And on the opposite page.. a CAGE... not gilded...BLACK.... stay out of the cage... don't box yourself into a corner... live FREE...
Reminders all around the place...
I was playing with my rubber stamps that I made and also a flower from Pretties by Bonnie... I love the effect that I got.. I used three different green ink pads and then the flower is only in black...
A real fun page... very relaxing... no stress about anything with this page...
This page I just couldnt cover it up... it was a paper that I used to clean up stencils... and really was not suppose to be used for anything... but I love it... so I put it into this journal.. and that is the way it is going to be left...
I did put a butterfly on it... and also the word always...
This page happens to be one of my favorites.. I love pink... so that was fun to color... and then I had this grey and white with a little black tag... and really didn't know what to do with it... I put it on there and loved it...
Then I added the word LOVE...
Prior to putting anything on the page... I used a leaf stencil and a gold metallic dabber and made leaves all over the place...
Love it...
This was done on our anniversary... 44 years... I think I did a couple of journal pages... as I had all day to play... YES... a nice anniversary present to myself...
The flower is a Pretties by Bonnie blossom... I love this page.. as it is pink and gold again... just love the way that looks... sparkle and full of pretty...
Again my little bird is up in the flowers... and loving it all..
I really love the way that this page came together... The tag was a reject for a challenge... of course I never throw anything away... I find another use for it...
This one came out better than the one that was used.. .LOL... anyway.. there were many layers of stamping, inking and also even some Perfect pearls being sprayed... then I added a wreath of leaves and some flowers... love it... the background paper I made at least 4 years ago... and believe it or not... I do remember making it... it was a lesson from Zia... and very useful and a lot of fun...
July 3rd... of this year...
I was just getting into tangling... and wanted to do some mandalas... I did them right into the book... onto the inked page... . and then made some marking with charcoal for the backgrounds... love the way it turned out... not the best... but I love it...
When working in a journal... the pages are for YOU first... not anyone else... remember that...
A frame that I just did a few days ago... I spent a lot of time making this... and I do love it... I was totally absorbed by the art of tangling into a strip... out of the box.. .
Love it... the details of the flowers are so delicate... that is one reason why I love it so much...
So very true... enjoy every day no matter what...
The background is done with twinkling H20's... and the flower is done with markers... plain old markers...
OHhhhhh my Daisies.. I love daisies...
so I piled them up on the page... and put them on some dotted swiss paper... adn of course a wild paper lace frame...
On our farm we have had a lot of chickens... at one time we had over 200 of them... man did they ever make NOISE!!!! But we did love them...
One by one they were taken by other animals... and also hawks... but they were loved... that was for sure...
Thus the word LOVE...
They were used to control the bugs in the gardens... they eat their way to getting nice and fat... LOL... we also spoiled them with organic grains... SPOILED... 100%...
I felt at first that this page was a little too dark... but if you look closely you will see some lavender flowers... coming out of the shape in the center...
I called this piece the life of a flower... as it goes from being a bud.. to fully developed...
I had a friend that was teaching me how to write Chinese... and I loved it...
I don't get to see her anymore... but I still practice it quite often.. this is TRANQUILITY.... and this page is all about being tranquil...
Do you feel it when you look at it???
I am not sure what just happened... but the computer will not let me write next to this page... so the page below is a tag that I made... and a PEACE PINWHEEL.... they are matching... and the words...
This page really came together fast... I wasn't going to use this page.. as I love the way it looked without anything on it... but then this fish wanted to go on it.. and then the medallion made out of tea bags .... then a PEACE PIN WHEEL and then the words...
I am glad that they had to go on here... I love the page... The fish is embossed with many colors to show off the pretty colors of this fish... he is really pretty ...
She came onto my work desk via a box that I was cleaning out...and I couldnt' toss her in the recycling paper here she is... in all her glory...
I love dragonflies... and this is one of my favorite dragonfly stamps... so I had fun with the background on this page too...
Another tag that I made... and didn't use it for the challenge ... but did use it for my journal... I love the stenciling... the paper was a very textured paper.. and I love the way it turned out... I added some perfect pearl spray ...and then added the flowers and leaves.. love the colors of this page...
I added a piece of paper with asian flowers on it... I made that paper with clear embossing powder on the stamp... and then coloring the paper with inks... I drew the flower on as an after thought...
Another page I did with pencil on our anniversary... Can you see me way down on the bottom of the page??? I am there... in between the leaves... and the plants..
The pink diamonds on this alcohol plaid piece of paper are made with modeling paste so it is a very textured page.. . the leaves have teal bows to match the teal in the paper... and the flowers are Pretties by Bonnie flowers....
And of course the white background is make with a martha stewart punch set..
A tangled tree... I love this tree... so very much fun.. the background was a piece of paper that I just couldn't throw away... so I painted it a little more... and into the journal pile of papers...
Just fun... a fish and a few tangle doodles... what could possibly make a better journal page...
I love putting things together... I know that more will be going onto this page... it is only the beginning for this one..
I love making tea bag medallions... so very much for a pretty background.
Another Pin Wheel for PEACE
and yet another one too..
A card front from a dear friend... and I didnt' want to toss it... so in here it went... I painted a paper for the background and punched the sides and the peony went on there... love it...
One of the things that I love to do is to make tea bag medallions... so I have been making a few here and there... and added one to this page... synchronicity is an action that has been happening a lot to me recently... have you been having that too???
A way to keep track of techniques for me... write them down and then you can't find them... so this is a new part I have added to my journals... favorite techniques.. .
This background paper was really a wild experience and I totally love it... and this wonderful stamp was sent to me by a dear friend who I hope is okay... I have not heard from her in a while... Thanks again Pat...
Some zendalas, and some painting... a fun time...
Adding these zendalas to my journals was an after thought... and I have to say that I really enjoy adding them... it is fun and they add a lot to the pages...
I was keeping all my zen tangles in a separate book... and now I am adding them to my art journals...
AS you can see... these are Peace Pinwheels for the I AM THE DIVA challenge... and I think I have made 20 of them... yeah for peace...
The other side of the page and the letter E....
Another Peace Pinwheel and some flowers... along with a punching technique... A fun technique using a corner punch... adds a little flair to this page..
A tangling page... just having fun and enjoying another free moment of the day...
A card that my Dad sent to my Mom... he always thought of himself as the little sailor... with flowers in his arms...
There is a little chicken in the basket that the little sailor is holding... so I put the chicken on the Zentangle.... you can see a few of them peeking over the pockets edge.. .
I also added another medallion and an embossed fish... a la Fred Mullet style.
Some Pretties by Bonnie and a fun background sheet...
Some times when paper is left around, like this empty zen tangle... it gets filled with just doodling ... and I had to just put it into here...
And this fish went along with it... it is all embossed and really cute... I added some extra long fins on this pretty fish... I call them my fantasy fish...
A medallion, A tangle, and a 3D woman... just had to use them all... so here they were put...
A happy Peace Pin Wheel... I love the colors, the tangles that I used ... and most of all the fact that others are seeing how important PEACE really is on our earth... NOW... Peace for ever... loving others... living in balance and harmony...
This is the back of the book... it is a card from a good friend and I wanted to save it from being never seen again... so here it is and it is so pretty...
I do hope that you have enjoyed this visit inside of this journal... and that if you don't journal that you will be inspired to journal and keep things that mean something to you in a journal... or draw, sketch, play... have fun and write words... of all kinds...
Sharing these pages with you is just another form of my journal reaching out to others... and spreading the love of all arts...
Thanks for stopping by for a visit... and hope you will leave me a message about my journaling...
I have put this journal onto a few blogs for challenges and sharing.. please look at what the others have also added...
Just Add Water... the theme is to be creative...
Balzer Designs... a journal page for the week...
So very many creative people out there... LOVE TO SEE it all... These little pictures are my eyes onto the blogs... and I do so wish I could see each one up close and big... but these are all wonderful...
Thanks to all for all the sharing that is going on ... we need it greatly... PEACE in all ways..
Love, Light and Peace.... Bonnie
With that being said... here is another journal... starting with the cover...
The words that are in CAPITAL letters... are the tiny little words that you can't see... so I have written them again.... good reminders about the page...

I love these Fred Mullet Fish stamps... and made quite a few of them a few years ago... In my journals I am trying to keep track of all the different techniques and things that I love to do all in one place... LOL.. I have so many journals going that just keeping track of them is a job in its self!!! But I think you get the general idea... I also love to make Tea Bag Medallions... and have made quite a few CD's filled with all kinds of tea bag designs.. and they are for sale still... each CD also has over do different folds... you will really have fun with these CD's...
I spent quite a time cleaning out bins of things that my Mother sent down to me when she moved a couple years ago... and some of them really have no memory for me at all... nor would anyone else in the family desire t hem... so I have taken some of the things and used them in unique and different ways... for example the word enjoy... one of my favorite words... and it was cut out... what fun... so I put it on the inside cover of this journal... along with another medallion..
From time to time I teach a class in flower making... and also have a lot of my digital flowers on Pretties by Bonnie Blog for sale... this happens to be one of the samples... I love some of these and didn't want to loose them in the paper piles... so into the journal they went...
I also did a few fun background papers to mount them onto... this one is done with layers and layers of inks, embossing... and then more color and more embossing... so very much fun... I love layers on papers...
A practice tangle paper that I just couldn't throw out... I love all these pretty little flowers... and then I added a misc braid that was on my work desk...
Along with a few more flowers... collage... hey... that is called clean up and glue in my space...
You will see a lot of these pin wheels in this journal... they are for September 21st as it is the International day of PEACE... and on the challenge of I am the Diva, this week, she had us tangle one... well I am not a one type person... always have to try things a few times... so I am in the process of making 20... as I really love to meditate on PEACE... and know that it is a very important process that we are in the middle of working thru...
Hope fully we will all obtain inner peace and then can spread it outward to all on the face of the earth...
A tag for Pretties by Bonnie samples... and it had to go into this journal... it was begging... and then when it got in there.. .I had to tangle over it... I love this tangle... I do it a little bit differently, but love it no matter how it is done... so very elegant in all ways... and with the matching colors... GREAT TANGLE...
There are certain colors that I love... and the
combinations are just as much a favorite as the actual colors are... this happens to be a reminder of SPRING...
The arrival of baby chicks... so fluffy... and the Joyous colors of Spring... Happy, Bright, Loving and New life...
Sometimes I have to have a new stamp... so I make one or two, or three that I love... I love these leaf stamps... and use them for all kinds of creations... I just felt like stamping... so here it is... all leaves ... with some Asian birds attached...
I am cleaning out closets, selling, books, cards... all kinds of things to make room for other things that I create... you can take a look here to see some... and thus the words... Finding Stuff... as I am finding so much... didn't know I had so very much...
When I want to paint, I might not have a reason for painting something.. .but that doesn't matter... I still paint... using the colors that I need to use... the rest will follow when needed...
That is what has happened here... peach and turquoise were the needed colors of the day... and then I added some flowers, leaves, and of course the words...
CAPTURE MAGIC.... so very important in each of our lives... and allow it to work with your inner being... enjoy life...
PLAY WHOLE HEART-EDLY... (spelling is not a top priority when creating in my journals... the feelings are the main part... )
I have done a lot of different challenges over the past few years... and sometimes I will enter a journal page... as that is what I am in the mood to create and also need to express myself in that manner... this is one of those pages... I think this was for a Tim Holtz challenge??? But can't remember...
CREATE ART.... I did this page the day prior to our 44th anniversary this year... so it was back in June... The Journey is the destination... so very true...
And on the page opposite it, I had written Now and Then it's good to pause in our pursuit of Happiness and JUST BE HAPPY....
Something that is an ongoing process in my life... a hard one too... I am trying... but a battle... I love too many things and those things create clutter... not good... but they are memories... how can I get rid of them????
A very dear friend sent me a card that reminded her of me... she loved the bird houses... the birds, and the FLOWERS.... she felt that they reminded her of the ones I draw all the time... thanks Kathy... I love your thinking...
So very true... and I try to do all these everyday..
So on this page I drew some of the flowers... and also added some more of the card... it was tri folded card with lots of wonderful pictures... I just couldnt throw it away...
Fly High... Soar... birds always seem to be so FREE and full of life.. I love to watch them live their lives... as I do the butterfly... that is what this page is all about... being free...
In side the tea bag wreath there is a mirror to remind me to fly high... fly free... live free... adore the life I have... and remember who I am in all ways..
And on the opposite page.. a CAGE... not gilded...BLACK.... stay out of the cage... don't box yourself into a corner... live FREE...
Reminders all around the place...
I was playing with my rubber stamps that I made and also a flower from Pretties by Bonnie... I love the effect that I got.. I used three different green ink pads and then the flower is only in black...
A real fun page... very relaxing... no stress about anything with this page...
This page I just couldnt cover it up... it was a paper that I used to clean up stencils... and really was not suppose to be used for anything... but I love it... so I put it into this journal.. and that is the way it is going to be left...
I did put a butterfly on it... and also the word always...
This page happens to be one of my favorites.. I love pink... so that was fun to color... and then I had this grey and white with a little black tag... and really didn't know what to do with it... I put it on there and loved it...
Then I added the word LOVE...
Prior to putting anything on the page... I used a leaf stencil and a gold metallic dabber and made leaves all over the place...
Love it...
This was done on our anniversary... 44 years... I think I did a couple of journal pages... as I had all day to play... YES... a nice anniversary present to myself...
The flower is a Pretties by Bonnie blossom... I love this page.. as it is pink and gold again... just love the way that looks... sparkle and full of pretty...
Again my little bird is up in the flowers... and loving it all..
I really love the way that this page came together... The tag was a reject for a challenge... of course I never throw anything away... I find another use for it...
This one came out better than the one that was used.. .LOL... anyway.. there were many layers of stamping, inking and also even some Perfect pearls being sprayed... then I added a wreath of leaves and some flowers... love it... the background paper I made at least 4 years ago... and believe it or not... I do remember making it... it was a lesson from Zia... and very useful and a lot of fun...
July 3rd... of this year...
I was just getting into tangling... and wanted to do some mandalas... I did them right into the book... onto the inked page... . and then made some marking with charcoal for the backgrounds... love the way it turned out... not the best... but I love it...
When working in a journal... the pages are for YOU first... not anyone else... remember that...
A frame that I just did a few days ago... I spent a lot of time making this... and I do love it... I was totally absorbed by the art of tangling into a strip... out of the box.. .
Love it... the details of the flowers are so delicate... that is one reason why I love it so much...
So very true... enjoy every day no matter what...
The background is done with twinkling H20's... and the flower is done with markers... plain old markers...
OHhhhhh my Daisies.. I love daisies...
so I piled them up on the page... and put them on some dotted swiss paper... adn of course a wild paper lace frame...
On our farm we have had a lot of chickens... at one time we had over 200 of them... man did they ever make NOISE!!!! But we did love them...
One by one they were taken by other animals... and also hawks... but they were loved... that was for sure...
Thus the word LOVE...
They were used to control the bugs in the gardens... they eat their way to getting nice and fat... LOL... we also spoiled them with organic grains... SPOILED... 100%...
I felt at first that this page was a little too dark... but if you look closely you will see some lavender flowers... coming out of the shape in the center...
I called this piece the life of a flower... as it goes from being a bud.. to fully developed...
I had a friend that was teaching me how to write Chinese... and I loved it...
I don't get to see her anymore... but I still practice it quite often.. this is TRANQUILITY.... and this page is all about being tranquil...
Do you feel it when you look at it???
I am not sure what just happened... but the computer will not let me write next to this page... so the page below is a tag that I made... and a PEACE PINWHEEL.... they are matching... and the words...
This page really came together fast... I wasn't going to use this page.. as I love the way it looked without anything on it... but then this fish wanted to go on it.. and then the medallion made out of tea bags .... then a PEACE PIN WHEEL and then the words...
I am glad that they had to go on here... I love the page... The fish is embossed with many colors to show off the pretty colors of this fish... he is really pretty ...
She came onto my work desk via a box that I was cleaning out...and I couldnt' toss her in the recycling paper here she is... in all her glory...
I love dragonflies... and this is one of my favorite dragonfly stamps... so I had fun with the background on this page too...
Another tag that I made... and didn't use it for the challenge ... but did use it for my journal... I love the stenciling... the paper was a very textured paper.. and I love the way it turned out... I added some perfect pearl spray ...and then added the flowers and leaves.. love the colors of this page...
I added a piece of paper with asian flowers on it... I made that paper with clear embossing powder on the stamp... and then coloring the paper with inks... I drew the flower on as an after thought...
Another page I did with pencil on our anniversary... Can you see me way down on the bottom of the page??? I am there... in between the leaves... and the plants..
The pink diamonds on this alcohol plaid piece of paper are made with modeling paste so it is a very textured page.. . the leaves have teal bows to match the teal in the paper... and the flowers are Pretties by Bonnie flowers....
And of course the white background is make with a martha stewart punch set..
A tangled tree... I love this tree... so very much fun.. the background was a piece of paper that I just couldn't throw away... so I painted it a little more... and into the journal pile of papers...
Just fun... a fish and a few tangle doodles... what could possibly make a better journal page...
I love putting things together... I know that more will be going onto this page... it is only the beginning for this one..
I love making tea bag medallions... so very much for a pretty background.
Another Pin Wheel for PEACE
and yet another one too..
A card front from a dear friend... and I didnt' want to toss it... so in here it went... I painted a paper for the background and punched the sides and the peony went on there... love it...
One of the things that I love to do is to make tea bag medallions... so I have been making a few here and there... and added one to this page... synchronicity is an action that has been happening a lot to me recently... have you been having that too???
A way to keep track of techniques for me... write them down and then you can't find them... so this is a new part I have added to my journals... favorite techniques.. .
This background paper was really a wild experience and I totally love it... and this wonderful stamp was sent to me by a dear friend who I hope is okay... I have not heard from her in a while... Thanks again Pat...
Some zendalas, and some painting... a fun time...
Adding these zendalas to my journals was an after thought... and I have to say that I really enjoy adding them... it is fun and they add a lot to the pages...
I was keeping all my zen tangles in a separate book... and now I am adding them to my art journals...
AS you can see... these are Peace Pinwheels for the I AM THE DIVA challenge... and I think I have made 20 of them... yeah for peace...
The other side of the page and the letter E....
Another Peace Pinwheel and some flowers... along with a punching technique... A fun technique using a corner punch... adds a little flair to this page..
A tangling page... just having fun and enjoying another free moment of the day...
A card that my Dad sent to my Mom... he always thought of himself as the little sailor... with flowers in his arms...
There is a little chicken in the basket that the little sailor is holding... so I put the chicken on the Zentangle.... you can see a few of them peeking over the pockets edge.. .
I also added another medallion and an embossed fish... a la Fred Mullet style.
Some Pretties by Bonnie and a fun background sheet...
Some times when paper is left around, like this empty zen tangle... it gets filled with just doodling ... and I had to just put it into here...
And this fish went along with it... it is all embossed and really cute... I added some extra long fins on this pretty fish... I call them my fantasy fish...
A medallion, A tangle, and a 3D woman... just had to use them all... so here they were put...
A happy Peace Pin Wheel... I love the colors, the tangles that I used ... and most of all the fact that others are seeing how important PEACE really is on our earth... NOW... Peace for ever... loving others... living in balance and harmony...
This is the back of the book... it is a card from a good friend and I wanted to save it from being never seen again... so here it is and it is so pretty...
I do hope that you have enjoyed this visit inside of this journal... and that if you don't journal that you will be inspired to journal and keep things that mean something to you in a journal... or draw, sketch, play... have fun and write words... of all kinds...
Sharing these pages with you is just another form of my journal reaching out to others... and spreading the love of all arts...
Thanks for stopping by for a visit... and hope you will leave me a message about my journaling...
I have put this journal onto a few blogs for challenges and sharing.. please look at what the others have also added...
Just Add Water... the theme is to be creative...
Balzer Designs... a journal page for the week...
So very many creative people out there... LOVE TO SEE it all... These little pictures are my eyes onto the blogs... and I do so wish I could see each one up close and big... but these are all wonderful...
Thanks to all for all the sharing that is going on ... we need it greatly... PEACE in all ways..
Love, Light and Peace.... Bonnie
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