Happy Spring.... Happy Days... Happy Easter... all good things... so no matter what day this is for you... Happy DAY!!!
Okay.. I had to tangle a little today to get rid of some really funny feelings... I actually didn't feel like doing ANYTHING at all... so very much unlike me... but that is the mood I was in... I did make some Gluten free Bread... and I have to say it was really delicious... we love it... we gave up gluten about 2 years ago.. and I use to make bread almost everyday back then... and did for years... but when we gave up wheat and all the other gluten products... I also gave up making yeasted breads... but today it all began again... I love making bread... even though this didn't rise like a gluten bread... it was easy and delicious.. .
I also tangled... and talked on the phone... but that was about it...
LOL.. .not much... but at least I did get this ZENDALA done for the Bright Owl's Challenge...
Oh yes... one more mooka... can you stop doing these ever??? They just seem to multiply when the pen is on the paper... did you notice that with your pen????
These remind me of sunflower sprouts... which I happen to love to nibble on... have you ever had them??? They are delicious... Yeah SPRING!!!!
And then Linda released String #46... so I had to do that too..
When you don't feel like doing too much... TANGLE... it is so much more relaxing... and then you feel like you have really done something... LOL...
Erin of the Bright Owl... gave us this great mandala to create today... I really didn't know what I was going to do when I
started this mandala... but all of a sudden I was finished... so I guess
the pen did this one... on remote!!!!
I used some new pens... and not really sure I like them.. but I will use them... that is why the different colors of black...
Thanks for stopping by for a visit today... enjoy your day with family and friends... and see you tomorrow sometime...
Love, Light and Peace...Bonnie
Sunday, March 31, 2013
Saturday, March 30, 2013
More Mooka
This week has zoooomed by so very quickly.... can't believe that the week-end is here already!!!! When I was a child, I use to wait until the Friday and Saturday prior to Easter for the Easter Bunny to make a 'trail run' at our home... my folks use to say it was so that he knew where to find all the good places to leave surprises!!! And all of a sudden I would find jelly beans on my piano, or a couple on the stairs .... just here and there... so much fun... I was reminding my Mom of this yesterday (93 years young... ) and she started to laugh and kept on saying how much fun that was... My husband and I passed on the tradition, but our kids don't even remember it??? I think that kids years ago use to have more fun with simple little things that the kids did 35 years ago... and todays kids ... well I am not even going to go there!!! LOL... Anyway... I keep on looking around to see if the Easter Bunny is trying to look for secret places to hide some surprises... LOL... and haven't found any signs yet.. but I will keep you posted..
I have been tangling... at night just prior to going to bed... it helps me sleep so much deeper... I love tangling... can you tell...
I had so very much fun with this piece... it took me way longer than I wanted to spend on it... but it was well worth it...
it is on a piece of paper that is 8.5 X 11 filled from side to side.. LOVE it...
I was showing a friend how to do the Me2 and it was very plain... and soooooooo you know what happens... TANGLE plus... the shading really made it pop... and I think I will frame it... and keep it on the studio wall SOMEPLACE!!!!!

Then I had to play catch up with the strings... so many wonderful ones to do... So here is 40... I have started to put the string number inside the tangle... so that I can remember which is which...
Memory!!! What a wonderful thing to have ... trying to find mine... maybe that pesky little rabbit took it???
Sometimes this program on blogspot just doesn't listen to directions... so.. .I am going to go with the flow today and not try and do something different than "IT" wants to do... number 41 was suppose to be here... but hey... it is 42... love the purk in this one... I actually got it to flow... what fun...
Blow Your Horn... that is all I could see in this one... so funny... With bubbles coming out of the horn... which is sitting on a squashed purk!!!! Can you tell I have fun... I love it...
Ahhhhh here is 41!!!! Way down here... Glad you could make it...!!!!
Another fun piece... I didn't want to tangle in the open spaces... just leave it be was all I could here...
Okay... I did...
String 44.... a little out of line by I think this one is so very pretty...
I love the flowervine.. and also the background...
with things popping out all over the place... a little mooka also showed up in there...
Here is String 45...a combination for the Diva's Challenge this week... which was to do Mooka... all Mooka in a TIA... I really had fun with this one... all the layers of mooka...
I was waiting in the car for my hubby, who was in shopping for manly man things... Gas tanks, hoses, etc... for his tractor... and so I had to tangle... and of course Mooka came out... this weeks addiction...
The Diva always gets us going on some tangle... and this week... it is 100% Mooka... These are so very much fun to create and do...
So I have a little bit of all kinds of things in there today... hope you are having fun tangling... it is truly a very interesting art form... that totally has my heart... Speaking of which.. have you seen the Tangling book by Maria and Rick???? Well if you haven't you are missing some GREAT EYE CANDY!!!! It is one of the best books I have seen in a long time... I received mine the other day... and LOVE IT... I look at all the tangles everyday!!!! It is so very lovely and ELEGANT PLUS!!!! Get a copy today... Thanks Maria and Rick... I love mine so very much...
Well I am going to go look and see if the Easter Bunny left any surprises for us... and hope that you find some too... have a great week-end... and enjoy it all.. tangle a little and enjoy that too..
Thanks for stopping by for a visit and also for leaving any wonderfull comments that you do... I love and cherish them all... thanks so very much.
Love, Light and Peace...Bonnie
I have been tangling... at night just prior to going to bed... it helps me sleep so much deeper... I love tangling... can you tell...
I had so very much fun with this piece... it took me way longer than I wanted to spend on it... but it was well worth it...
it is on a piece of paper that is 8.5 X 11 filled from side to side.. LOVE it...
I was showing a friend how to do the Me2 and it was very plain... and soooooooo you know what happens... TANGLE plus... the shading really made it pop... and I think I will frame it... and keep it on the studio wall SOMEPLACE!!!!!

Then I had to play catch up with the strings... so many wonderful ones to do... So here is 40... I have started to put the string number inside the tangle... so that I can remember which is which...
Memory!!! What a wonderful thing to have ... trying to find mine... maybe that pesky little rabbit took it???
Sometimes this program on blogspot just doesn't listen to directions... so.. .I am going to go with the flow today and not try and do something different than "IT" wants to do... number 41 was suppose to be here... but hey... it is 42... love the purk in this one... I actually got it to flow... what fun...
Blow Your Horn... that is all I could see in this one... so funny... With bubbles coming out of the horn... which is sitting on a squashed purk!!!! Can you tell I have fun... I love it...
Ahhhhh here is 41!!!! Way down here... Glad you could make it...!!!!
Another fun piece... I didn't want to tangle in the open spaces... just leave it be was all I could here...
Okay... I did...
String 44.... a little out of line by I think this one is so very pretty...
I love the flowervine.. and also the background...
with things popping out all over the place... a little mooka also showed up in there...
Here is String 45...a combination for the Diva's Challenge this week... which was to do Mooka... all Mooka in a TIA... I really had fun with this one... all the layers of mooka...
I was waiting in the car for my hubby, who was in shopping for manly man things... Gas tanks, hoses, etc... for his tractor... and so I had to tangle... and of course Mooka came out... this weeks addiction...
The Diva always gets us going on some tangle... and this week... it is 100% Mooka... These are so very much fun to create and do...
So I have a little bit of all kinds of things in there today... hope you are having fun tangling... it is truly a very interesting art form... that totally has my heart... Speaking of which.. have you seen the Tangling book by Maria and Rick???? Well if you haven't you are missing some GREAT EYE CANDY!!!! It is one of the best books I have seen in a long time... I received mine the other day... and LOVE IT... I look at all the tangles everyday!!!! It is so very lovely and ELEGANT PLUS!!!! Get a copy today... Thanks Maria and Rick... I love mine so very much...
Well I am going to go look and see if the Easter Bunny left any surprises for us... and hope that you find some too... have a great week-end... and enjoy it all.. tangle a little and enjoy that too..
Thanks for stopping by for a visit and also for leaving any wonderfull comments that you do... I love and cherish them all... thanks so very much.
Love, Light and Peace...Bonnie
I am a Diva challenge,
Zen Tangle
Wednesday, March 27, 2013
Flowers blooming
Flowers are blooming... at least on my blog they are.. The few fruit trees that were blooming, have sort of finished... we have had terrible winds the past few days... and they sort of blew all the blooms off our fruit trees... hopefully we will warm up a little today...
Well at least the flowers were blooming on my ZenDalas...
I finally decided on which tangles I wanted to use for each section and went to town tangling them into this great mandala that ERIN gave to us this week... If you have not been to this site... you better visit the NEW and Improved site of the BRIGHT OWL... I love the new look Erin... very bright and alive... Guess nursing school really agrees with you and hope you are going well with it all...
This is the first one that I got finished... and I love it... it came together quite quickly... and it surprised me. I just let the pen do the work... I sat back and relaxed!!!!
This one also came together quickly last night... I had fun with this one... just let the pen do the work again... so very easy...!!!!
Erin always gives us so many GREAT mandalas to fill with tanglings of our minds...
Thanks Erin...
Hope that you all have a great day... and that you are able to find some time to Tangle a little bit and relax...
Thanks for stopping by for a visit...
Love, Light and Peace...Bonnie
Well at least the flowers were blooming on my ZenDalas...
I finally decided on which tangles I wanted to use for each section and went to town tangling them into this great mandala that ERIN gave to us this week... If you have not been to this site... you better visit the NEW and Improved site of the BRIGHT OWL... I love the new look Erin... very bright and alive... Guess nursing school really agrees with you and hope you are going well with it all...
This is the first one that I got finished... and I love it... it came together quite quickly... and it surprised me. I just let the pen do the work... I sat back and relaxed!!!!
This one also came together quickly last night... I had fun with this one... just let the pen do the work again... so very easy...!!!!
Erin always gives us so many GREAT mandalas to fill with tanglings of our minds...
Thanks Erin...
Hope that you all have a great day... and that you are able to find some time to Tangle a little bit and relax...
Thanks for stopping by for a visit...
Love, Light and Peace...Bonnie
Zen Tangle,
Zendala challenge
Monday, March 25, 2013
Today being Monday it is DIVA DAY....
Today being Monday it is a fun day...
A day for doing all kinds of things and especially my tangling in between things... like wash, cleaning up... getting all caught up from the week-end... yikes a cool day.
It is also a Very bitter cold day here... hope we get our spring days back again soon... and that we don't loose the fruit blossoms off all the fruit tress... so very sad... this happens every year now... and all our fruit trees never seem to deliver much fruit... boo hoo...
Well The Diva gave us a challenge today that I happen to love creating... it is free flowing tangle in my mind... and so I had fun...
BUT... I wanted to share a few others that I have done in the past couple of days too..
For years I have 'doodled' and created small little things on bits and pieces of paper... in fact I have published 10 books on my doodles... you can connect with my publisher on the side of this blog.. all the books are available on Amazon.com and also in most book stores... but this is one of those types of pieces that was done of all things on the back of a check!!!! Not kidding...
I inverted it because I love the way it looks inverted... more on that later...
It is Easter time... Easter EGG time... so I did a lot of eggs in this one... Love the cross hatching and also the Purk in the eggs...
AS you can see on this piece... it was again on scrap paper... After printing something out I use the back of that paper for notes, lists, etc etc... and formost... Tangling and doodling when talking or watching ?tv...
But then I also use my card stock to tangle on when I remember to grab a clean piece of paper...
I was fixed on circles and inner parts of circles..
And Purk pops up again...
a dangling purk whick is sort of all even and not as tapered as the real purk...
Had a funny feeling about this TIA... but did enjoy... so I can't ask for more...
This was done on black paper, with a white pen... ( the last of my white pen working!!!! ) more purk... and then some others added...
Free floating on this paper... not grounded at all..
Ahhh yes... dial up is all messed up today... storm coming in... and it is taking three times as long to get all these pictures up to share with you...
My sweet hubby is fixing lunch so that I can get these up... is that ever sweet... yes he is a wonderful person and a glorious husband.
This is an inverted tangle... I wanted to show you the one below first... but the dial up didn't like that idea at all... LOL...
This is the original...
I had to put the smaller Mooka inside the larger ones... just had to...
gives a little bit of a shading on it's own... yes???
Okay... this one is the original first... And again... three mookas and then a couple on the inside too...
Can you tell I am really working on my meditations??? Inner feelings and inner growth... very important at this time on the earth.
So here it is inverted... love this ... so very much fun to see it inverted... I really love the black background with the white lines... and my white pen.... well I need a new one... and this gives me the look of that...
Okay... this is the first Mooka I did today... I wanted it in a circle... so the circle was my 'line' and then I filled in with more mookas...
And then I inverted it too... love it...
Nice without even a gray pencil... LOL...
Anyway... I had fun...
I am going to go eat lunch with my fantastic hubby... he has made flat breads for lunch.. and we have some left over veggie soup from last night that I made... so we will have a nice lunch...
Have a fantastic day... stay safe and live in love... Thanks for stopping by for a visit... and also all the wonderful comments... I love you all..
Love, Light and Peace...Bonnie
Today being Monday it is DIVA DAY....
Today being Monday it is a fun day...
A day for doing all kinds of things and especially my tangling in between things... like wash, cleaning up... getting all caught up from the week-end... yikes a cool day.
It is also a Very bitter cold day here... hope we get our spring days back again soon... and that we don't loose the fruit blossoms off all the fruit tress... so very sad... this happens every year now... and all our fruit trees never seem to deliver much fruit... boo hoo...
Well The Diva gave us a challenge today that I happen to love creating... it is free flowing tangle in my mind... and so I had fun...
BUT... I wanted to share a few others that I have done in the past couple of days too..
For years I have 'doodled' and created small little things on bits and pieces of paper... in fact I have published 10 books on my doodles... you can connect with my publisher on the side of this blog.. all the books are available on Amazon.com and also in most book stores... but this is one of those types of pieces that was done of all things on the back of a check!!!! Not kidding...
I inverted it because I love the way it looks inverted... more on that later...
It is Easter time... Easter EGG time... so I did a lot of eggs in this one... Love the cross hatching and also the Purk in the eggs...
AS you can see on this piece... it was again on scrap paper... After printing something out I use the back of that paper for notes, lists, etc etc... and formost... Tangling and doodling when talking or watching ?tv...
But then I also use my card stock to tangle on when I remember to grab a clean piece of paper...
I was fixed on circles and inner parts of circles..
And Purk pops up again...
a dangling purk whick is sort of all even and not as tapered as the real purk...
Had a funny feeling about this TIA... but did enjoy... so I can't ask for more...
This was done on black paper, with a white pen... ( the last of my white pen working!!!! ) more purk... and then some others added...
Free floating on this paper... not grounded at all..
Ahhh yes... dial up is all messed up today... storm coming in... and it is taking three times as long to get all these pictures up to share with you...
My sweet hubby is fixing lunch so that I can get these up... is that ever sweet... yes he is a wonderful person and a glorious husband.
This is an inverted tangle... I wanted to show you the one below first... but the dial up didn't like that idea at all... LOL...
This is the original...
I had to put the smaller Mooka inside the larger ones... just had to...
gives a little bit of a shading on it's own... yes???
Okay... this one is the original first... And again... three mookas and then a couple on the inside too...
Can you tell I am really working on my meditations??? Inner feelings and inner growth... very important at this time on the earth.
So here it is inverted... love this ... so very much fun to see it inverted... I really love the black background with the white lines... and my white pen.... well I need a new one... and this gives me the look of that...
Okay... this is the first Mooka I did today... I wanted it in a circle... so the circle was my 'line' and then I filled in with more mookas...
And then I inverted it too... love it...
Nice without even a gray pencil... LOL...
Anyway... I had fun...
I am going to go eat lunch with my fantastic hubby... he has made flat breads for lunch.. and we have some left over veggie soup from last night that I made... so we will have a nice lunch...
Have a fantastic day... stay safe and live in love... Thanks for stopping by for a visit... and also all the wonderful comments... I love you all..
Love, Light and Peace...Bonnie
I am a Diva challenge,
Zen Tangle
Wednesday, March 20, 2013
A tribute to Maria's tangles
For those who know me... I am this fabulous thing called Dial UP??? Not so great.. as it is very limiting to me... but I am dealing with it the best I can... I love where we live...so that really does compensate for the mess of dial up...
Anyway... you also know I use a lot of words ... but I will try to keep this as few as possible...
This week on I am the Diva, Laura has given us the Challenge to go out of the BOX.... I try all the time to stay as much out of the box as possible.. but have been really thinking about this... and came up with this...
One thing that I really have trouble with is going to blogs... and I really want to see things... so where do you start... at the beginning... so I went to Maria and Ricks site... ZENTANGLE.blogspot.com (all small letters... ) anyway... it took over 7 hours for me to download the site... but I got a lot of things done while it was downloading... wash, cooked, cleaned a little bit.. not too much... and folded laundry... etc etc... also played in the studio a little bit...
After it was all down loaded.. .I had a feast and a half... eye candy plus... yikes... I love the way Maria TANGLES... so very fluid and free... your spirit must be the same Maria... love it...
So I tried to absorb some of it... but I printed it out and studied it all and finally realized that there was another area that I needed to try... one was on black... and the other was to use purk like Maria did and create some things that moved with this tangle.. I love purk... I have never seen the video... (duh... dial up??? and videos are a no no issue plus!!!!) but I have seen the ones on the tanglepatterns.com... and so I have become familiar with this tangle... and have to say that I do love it... you can see it on the other entry for this weeks challenge...
I told you I used a lot of words... stop complaining... this is very special... as I have finally downloaded a blog and have been able to see a whole new area of growth in myself... LOL..
So here... finally are a few of the things that came from that...
I also drew the circles in the opposite direction... usually I draw them as you would in writing... which is counter clock wise... I drew them clockwise... so I had to think about that...
So I started to play with Purk... as I go along hopefully you will see what I learned from Maria's GREAT Tangles... I love the freedom and wanted to find that in my purks too...
I think I did...
Maria has some that have all these great ones... turning and posing in all kinds of ways...
I also had to experiment with the shading too...
The Daisy in all its glory... with a nice purk frame too... a little bit different but... sort of a purky little thing...
And then I got into the Black paper with the white pen...
My pen is sort of old.. .and the ink didn't flow as nicely as I would really have liked it... but hey... I worked around that ... and love these...a little different than I normally do... but that is what going out of the BOX is all about... right???
Maria, has a gray pen... and I will have to look for one... but I used an Inktense gray pencil... and then used a little water to activate the color deeper... and then accented with the white...
I really had fun with this.. So thank you Maria for the eye candy and all the wonderful examples you have displayed on your blog... I love the STEP signage too... really wonderful.. love it all... you really give from the heart.. thanks!!!
I will try and down load a few more blogs when time allows... but when I do this, I have to go to that blog all the time... or else I loose the info that was downloaded and have to start all over... at least I now have three that I can go to regularly... The Divas, The Bright Owl... and Now ZENTANGLE.... yeah... what fun this is..
Well today is a very busy day for me... and I hope to get it all done.. I just wanted to say thanks for all the wonderful comments that have been made on the entries this week for the other challenges... Thanks a million... I love you all... and really wish I could see all the wonderful things that you are creating too.. someday maybe I will be able too..
Have a wonderful full day of creating and enjoying life...
Love, Light and Peace...Bonnie
Anyway... you also know I use a lot of words ... but I will try to keep this as few as possible...
This week on I am the Diva, Laura has given us the Challenge to go out of the BOX.... I try all the time to stay as much out of the box as possible.. but have been really thinking about this... and came up with this...
One thing that I really have trouble with is going to blogs... and I really want to see things... so where do you start... at the beginning... so I went to Maria and Ricks site... ZENTANGLE.blogspot.com (all small letters... ) anyway... it took over 7 hours for me to download the site... but I got a lot of things done while it was downloading... wash, cooked, cleaned a little bit.. not too much... and folded laundry... etc etc... also played in the studio a little bit...
After it was all down loaded.. .I had a feast and a half... eye candy plus... yikes... I love the way Maria TANGLES... so very fluid and free... your spirit must be the same Maria... love it...
So I tried to absorb some of it... but I printed it out and studied it all and finally realized that there was another area that I needed to try... one was on black... and the other was to use purk like Maria did and create some things that moved with this tangle.. I love purk... I have never seen the video... (duh... dial up??? and videos are a no no issue plus!!!!) but I have seen the ones on the tanglepatterns.com... and so I have become familiar with this tangle... and have to say that I do love it... you can see it on the other entry for this weeks challenge...
I told you I used a lot of words... stop complaining... this is very special... as I have finally downloaded a blog and have been able to see a whole new area of growth in myself... LOL..
So here... finally are a few of the things that came from that...
I also drew the circles in the opposite direction... usually I draw them as you would in writing... which is counter clock wise... I drew them clockwise... so I had to think about that...
So I started to play with Purk... as I go along hopefully you will see what I learned from Maria's GREAT Tangles... I love the freedom and wanted to find that in my purks too...
I think I did...
Maria has some that have all these great ones... turning and posing in all kinds of ways...
I also had to experiment with the shading too...
The Daisy in all its glory... with a nice purk frame too... a little bit different but... sort of a purky little thing...
And then I got into the Black paper with the white pen...
My pen is sort of old.. .and the ink didn't flow as nicely as I would really have liked it... but hey... I worked around that ... and love these...a little different than I normally do... but that is what going out of the BOX is all about... right???
Maria, has a gray pen... and I will have to look for one... but I used an Inktense gray pencil... and then used a little water to activate the color deeper... and then accented with the white...
I really had fun with this.. So thank you Maria for the eye candy and all the wonderful examples you have displayed on your blog... I love the STEP signage too... really wonderful.. love it all... you really give from the heart.. thanks!!!
I will try and down load a few more blogs when time allows... but when I do this, I have to go to that blog all the time... or else I loose the info that was downloaded and have to start all over... at least I now have three that I can go to regularly... The Divas, The Bright Owl... and Now ZENTANGLE.... yeah... what fun this is..
Well today is a very busy day for me... and I hope to get it all done.. I just wanted to say thanks for all the wonderful comments that have been made on the entries this week for the other challenges... Thanks a million... I love you all... and really wish I could see all the wonderful things that you are creating too.. someday maybe I will be able too..
Have a wonderful full day of creating and enjoying life...
Love, Light and Peace...Bonnie
I am a Diva challenge,
Zen Tangle
Monday, March 18, 2013
Out of the BOX???
Happy Monday.... it is overcast and trying to rain... but it is a dreary day outside... but INSIDE... Yikes I am going to play and play all day long.... what fun...
The Diva (Laura) asked us to go out of the box...Not a problem... but I generally live out of the box all the time... So I really had to think on this one...
Tangling has always been an out of the box activity for me in 99% of all ways... so I really had to think... can you smell the smoke??? Think.... think... think.... okay... I bought a sepia .005 point that is really small... and I found that I only have used it once... my black one I use for special areas etc... the since I only have a .01 and a .005 sepia... I tend not to use them... I really love a .02 or a .03 black.. . so that is sort of out of the box a little... right??
The other thing I really have trouble with is things in boxes... tangles done in boxes... so I thought I would do some of that... and then also working on a small area is always a problem... as I love to have flowing lines, and fill a whole sheet of 8x11 paper... I love tangling... I can also fill a huge room with all kinds of things in no time... also a house!!!! Yikes... I have a PHD in that...
Well... here are my two examples...
Ooooops I am really having trouble saying connected this morning... I keep on getting kicked off line. You have to LOVE dial up!!!! NOT...
Anyway... this is only about 3 inches square... not my favorite.. and it was done with a sepia pen... . Looks black to me... and it had a .005 point... not my favorite to tangle with... but since we are working out of the box... I had to stay in the box... does that make any sense?? ? Just re-read it... I love to be out of the box... all the time...
This one is also in the box... as I did tangles that were all in boxes... I really love doing the purk or leaves... or balls... but I tried to stay in the boxes... I really did try...
Oh we all need to go out of the box... and it does feel good to a degree... but I do love my flowing lines, my flowers... and all the tangles that flow and mix so very easily...
Thanks Laura for the challenge... and staying out of the box is a good thing...even though that means I have to go into a box situation... LOL... so very good...
Hope you have a good day... and that you get out of the box... no matter what it is... and that you find pleasure and learning in it...
Thanks for stopping by for a visit... and hope to see you soon...
Love, Light and Peace...Bonnie
The Diva (Laura) asked us to go out of the box...Not a problem... but I generally live out of the box all the time... So I really had to think on this one...
Tangling has always been an out of the box activity for me in 99% of all ways... so I really had to think... can you smell the smoke??? Think.... think... think.... okay... I bought a sepia .005 point that is really small... and I found that I only have used it once... my black one I use for special areas etc... the since I only have a .01 and a .005 sepia... I tend not to use them... I really love a .02 or a .03 black.. . so that is sort of out of the box a little... right??
The other thing I really have trouble with is things in boxes... tangles done in boxes... so I thought I would do some of that... and then also working on a small area is always a problem... as I love to have flowing lines, and fill a whole sheet of 8x11 paper... I love tangling... I can also fill a huge room with all kinds of things in no time... also a house!!!! Yikes... I have a PHD in that...
Well... here are my two examples...
Ooooops I am really having trouble saying connected this morning... I keep on getting kicked off line. You have to LOVE dial up!!!! NOT...
Anyway... this is only about 3 inches square... not my favorite.. and it was done with a sepia pen... . Looks black to me... and it had a .005 point... not my favorite to tangle with... but since we are working out of the box... I had to stay in the box... does that make any sense?? ? Just re-read it... I love to be out of the box... all the time...
This one is also in the box... as I did tangles that were all in boxes... I really love doing the purk or leaves... or balls... but I tried to stay in the boxes... I really did try...
Oh we all need to go out of the box... and it does feel good to a degree... but I do love my flowing lines, my flowers... and all the tangles that flow and mix so very easily...
Thanks Laura for the challenge... and staying out of the box is a good thing...even though that means I have to go into a box situation... LOL... so very good...
Hope you have a good day... and that you get out of the box... no matter what it is... and that you find pleasure and learning in it...
Thanks for stopping by for a visit... and hope to see you soon...
Love, Light and Peace...Bonnie
I am a Diva challenge,
Zen Tangle
Sunday, March 17, 2013
Planting time
It's spring time here in North Carolina... the plum trees are blooming and the soil is ready to be filled with all kinds of seeds and plants...
I am anxious to see all the plants in the garden green and ready for harvesting again... our crop of kale got eaten by the deer, so that was very upsetting to say the least... but we have to keep on top of things all the time... and the baby chicks are growing and right now just taking care of 153 babies is a lot of extra time and work!!!
So with all these things in mind... how to I tangle anything other than POTS... pots filled with SUNFLOWERS... of course we don't grow our sunflowers in pots... but that is what I saw when I looked at this new Mandala that Erin posted on Bright Owl. If you have never been over to this site... please take a few minutes and go see all the lovely work and play that everyone has created... Thanks Erin for all the work you put into this for us all... Nursing school has to keep you busy.. but this added into your hectic schedule is another thing again... thanks for the effort... and take a few hours of extra GOOD sleep WHENEVER you can get it... I think we all do... and besides we can all wait for the posting...
Well... no more ado.. here is my Zendala... as plain as can be..
I love seeing the sunflowers in the summer gardens... ours usually grow to be about 12- 15 feet tall... so when there is a gentle breeze they all move together in a swaying motion... LOVE IT... they are such a HAPPY FLOWER...
So sorry I missed the challenge last week.. time just got away from me... with all the classes I am now teaching, time evades me at times... but I love it all... so that is the best part.. I will try and get last weeks done sometime... no promises though... it is a fun one for sure.
Hope ya'll have a GREAT week... and that the spring weather is coming to your neighborhood soon.. . enjoy creating something fun... and love it while you are creating it...
Thanks for stopping by for a visit.. and hope to see you again soon...
Love, Light and Peace...Bonnie
I am anxious to see all the plants in the garden green and ready for harvesting again... our crop of kale got eaten by the deer, so that was very upsetting to say the least... but we have to keep on top of things all the time... and the baby chicks are growing and right now just taking care of 153 babies is a lot of extra time and work!!!
So with all these things in mind... how to I tangle anything other than POTS... pots filled with SUNFLOWERS... of course we don't grow our sunflowers in pots... but that is what I saw when I looked at this new Mandala that Erin posted on Bright Owl. If you have never been over to this site... please take a few minutes and go see all the lovely work and play that everyone has created... Thanks Erin for all the work you put into this for us all... Nursing school has to keep you busy.. but this added into your hectic schedule is another thing again... thanks for the effort... and take a few hours of extra GOOD sleep WHENEVER you can get it... I think we all do... and besides we can all wait for the posting...
Well... no more ado.. here is my Zendala... as plain as can be..
I love seeing the sunflowers in the summer gardens... ours usually grow to be about 12- 15 feet tall... so when there is a gentle breeze they all move together in a swaying motion... LOVE IT... they are such a HAPPY FLOWER...
So sorry I missed the challenge last week.. time just got away from me... with all the classes I am now teaching, time evades me at times... but I love it all... so that is the best part.. I will try and get last weeks done sometime... no promises though... it is a fun one for sure.
Hope ya'll have a GREAT week... and that the spring weather is coming to your neighborhood soon.. . enjoy creating something fun... and love it while you are creating it...
Thanks for stopping by for a visit.. and hope to see you again soon...
Love, Light and Peace...Bonnie
Zen Tangle,
Zendala challenge
Thursday, March 14, 2013
Wrap arounds
Well... the past couple of nights I have had to calm down a little... and that means TANGLING!!!! So I have a few more to share with you...
Sometimes YOU just have to play with the pen and pencil and see what happens... that is what this is... Happiness is Just being... and isn't that the truth!!!
Of course the Mr. Snail had to join in on the fun... which is his style. But then the Dragonfly also came in... change is always on going... and that is what dragonflies LOVE...
This week on the Diva, Laura has given us a challenge that Maria has been working with and looking for a name for this tangle...
I always have things on my tangles that happen in my life... and the geese are laying eggs... but they are not fertile... as there is no male goose... LOL... They run off into the woods to lay an egg... and Glenn sees where they are sitting.. and then collects the eggs for us. They are delicious... but this egg has the story on it... with a little OMmmmm ... and then the ribbons are wrapped around the reeds of the grass...
I wanted the egg to be on a pedestal of honor... and hope that it reflects that..
I didn't want to shade this heavy... so I used some cross hatching on the ribbons... with a pencil... they are very light... but tend to look like shading...
All three of these TIA are on 8.5 X 11 pieces of card stock... I find it handy to use... LOL...
This piece started out as a wheel... but then I decided to add the tangles that I had been trying to work with... and low and behold it was something that I really liked... I wish I had put in the 12 spokes... but if you look at this piece the extensions could really be counted as the 12th and 13th ....
I again used the cross hatching on the 'poles' and love that effect with the pencil and the mark making.
The S's in between I wanted a sketchy look... and didn't really obtain that light look on them... but that is okay... as nothing is perfect in anyway... only that which is made by God.... as mere mortals we are not perfect in any way, shape or form... to think we are is not a positive thought process.
So I guess you could say that I had fun with these... I am teaching and prepping for the next few days... and hope that I have time to think inbetween... I do have to clean and also cook... (oh no Sande... to C words...) Well Hope that you have a GREAT day... enjoy all that you can... and create with love and from the heart.
Thanks so very much for stopping by for a visit... and see you all soon...
Love, Light and Peace....Bonnie
Sometimes YOU just have to play with the pen and pencil and see what happens... that is what this is... Happiness is Just being... and isn't that the truth!!!
Of course the Mr. Snail had to join in on the fun... which is his style. But then the Dragonfly also came in... change is always on going... and that is what dragonflies LOVE...
I always have things on my tangles that happen in my life... and the geese are laying eggs... but they are not fertile... as there is no male goose... LOL... They run off into the woods to lay an egg... and Glenn sees where they are sitting.. and then collects the eggs for us. They are delicious... but this egg has the story on it... with a little OMmmmm ... and then the ribbons are wrapped around the reeds of the grass...
I wanted the egg to be on a pedestal of honor... and hope that it reflects that..
I didn't want to shade this heavy... so I used some cross hatching on the ribbons... with a pencil... they are very light... but tend to look like shading...
All three of these TIA are on 8.5 X 11 pieces of card stock... I find it handy to use... LOL...
This piece started out as a wheel... but then I decided to add the tangles that I had been trying to work with... and low and behold it was something that I really liked... I wish I had put in the 12 spokes... but if you look at this piece the extensions could really be counted as the 12th and 13th ....
I again used the cross hatching on the 'poles' and love that effect with the pencil and the mark making.
The S's in between I wanted a sketchy look... and didn't really obtain that light look on them... but that is okay... as nothing is perfect in anyway... only that which is made by God.... as mere mortals we are not perfect in any way, shape or form... to think we are is not a positive thought process.
So I guess you could say that I had fun with these... I am teaching and prepping for the next few days... and hope that I have time to think inbetween... I do have to clean and also cook... (oh no Sande... to C words...) Well Hope that you have a GREAT day... enjoy all that you can... and create with love and from the heart.
Thanks so very much for stopping by for a visit... and see you all soon...
Love, Light and Peace....Bonnie
I am a Diva challenge,
Zen Tangle
Wednesday, March 13, 2013
A FUN day... with too much TMI
A couple of week-ends ago... Sande (my up the hill neighbor) and I played... we always have a LOT OF LAUGHS... and fun.. .which was no different this day either... way too much TMI in some areas... but a lot of fun... right Sande??? LOL...
Anyway... this is what we created... each a little different than the other... but about the same...
This is a box with a front opening... and then on the top... an explosion box... with three layers... so very much fun... and most of this is Graphic 45 paper... which Sande and I had to use... we had it for so very long... and finally we got to use it... and then we had to order more!!!! What else is new!!!!
I love bugs... so I had to put this large bug on the top peek of my explosion box... I don't really care for real ones... just love to have them in pictures and rubber stamps and also charms... LOL.. the real ones can jolly well stay outside!!!!
In real life this stands about 10 inches tall.. the bottom box is 4x4 and then the top one is 3x3 and then the top... at least 3 inches...
All four sides are decorated differently... and each one has a cute feeling to it...
I wanted to make sure you saw the BUG... love it...
When you take the peek off the top box... the explosion takes place... and you see three layers of envelopes, and folders... filled with all kinds of fun things..
and in the Center... a secret pocket that opens... and more surprises... I used a little perfect pearls resist on that... so much fun... I love all these neat things to do to create fun eye candy...
Okay... now for the Bottom half of the CREATION...
There is a large clasp that you have to open to get into the lower box... and then what do you find... but lots of folders, files and envelopes filled with all the things that you would find in an Olde Curiosity Shoppe... love it...
When open... you see this...
All of it at once...
A little closer yet....
I had a lot of fun making all the folders, files and envelopes... but his one was a favorite... with the CROW... love them too..
I even have a bottle of Carter's little liver pills... !!!! Pretty old to say the least...
Well... I do hope that you have enjoyed this... as Sande and I really had fun making these...
I think I will have to teach a class on this... What do you think???
Hope you have a GREAT Day... and enjoy it all.. Thanks for stopping by for a visit... and come back soon..
Love, Light and Peace....Bonnie
Anyway... this is what we created... each a little different than the other... but about the same...
This is a box with a front opening... and then on the top... an explosion box... with three layers... so very much fun... and most of this is Graphic 45 paper... which Sande and I had to use... we had it for so very long... and finally we got to use it... and then we had to order more!!!! What else is new!!!!
I love bugs... so I had to put this large bug on the top peek of my explosion box... I don't really care for real ones... just love to have them in pictures and rubber stamps and also charms... LOL.. the real ones can jolly well stay outside!!!!
In real life this stands about 10 inches tall.. the bottom box is 4x4 and then the top one is 3x3 and then the top... at least 3 inches...
All four sides are decorated differently... and each one has a cute feeling to it...
I wanted to make sure you saw the BUG... love it...
When you take the peek off the top box... the explosion takes place... and you see three layers of envelopes, and folders... filled with all kinds of fun things..
and in the Center... a secret pocket that opens... and more surprises... I used a little perfect pearls resist on that... so much fun... I love all these neat things to do to create fun eye candy...
Okay... now for the Bottom half of the CREATION...
There is a large clasp that you have to open to get into the lower box... and then what do you find... but lots of folders, files and envelopes filled with all the things that you would find in an Olde Curiosity Shoppe... love it...
When open... you see this...
All of it at once...
A little closer yet....
I had a lot of fun making all the folders, files and envelopes... but his one was a favorite... with the CROW... love them too..
I even have a bottle of Carter's little liver pills... !!!! Pretty old to say the least...
Well... I do hope that you have enjoyed this... as Sande and I really had fun making these...
I think I will have to teach a class on this... What do you think???
Hope you have a GREAT Day... and enjoy it all.. Thanks for stopping by for a visit... and come back soon..
Love, Light and Peace....Bonnie
Graphic 45,
Home Decorations
Tuesday, March 12, 2013
WOW.... another week!!!!
It seems like time is really flying by me... I thought it was one day and here it is already Tuesday.... it is Tuesday isn't it???
Well... I have to still do my Zendala... and time is marching right on by me... tonight I have my Fiber Group meeting down at the Ag Center and I am going to share some Lace' with the group... so I need to prepare for that... and also get rid of some of the Dust Bunnies that are living in the house... they are old enough to have names... and are marching around in circles and learning how to dance to the music I am playing... so maybe I had better relocate them today too... maybe later on I can do my Zendala.... I will get it done Erin... don't worry...
I did play last night with the new tangle that Maria created from a picture that was given to her by a friend... and then passed on to all of us... and the DIVA decided to get us all in on the act of creating this... so here are a few that I have done...
I guess it is really a Monday to my computer... it is acting up and will not let me write next to the picture!!! Oh well... it is going to stand alone... This is my Serpent of Light ... I am reading this book and it just came thru... I am not fond of snakes... but am trying to relate to them in a positive loving way... and this one is very loving and friendly... My first attempt at the Creation from Maria... I wanted other things to happen around it... and they did... !!!!
I had started this tangle about two weeks ago... and had put it into the drawer that holds some things in the den area... Pens, pencil and paper... and had forgotten about it... I finally dragged it out and finished it...
The Jack in the Pulpit was the first part of the tangle... and the chain the last part...
All else was done in between....A fun tangle.... I got it to flow in the tangle... and not work around it...
This little dragonfly even came to see what was going on... as did the balls of energy... a good time for all of us...
Sometimes we just need to love ourselves a little more than at other times... I woke up the other night and started to doodle in the middle of the night to relax... and I made a few mistakes... (I was really half asleep... but wanted to tangle too...) So I was going to toss this... but I really loved parts of it... and so I finished it... mistakes and all... just looks a little different in places... LOL... but I do love it... a fun piece for me...
I hope that you all are having a good time in your life... I know that I am enjoying each day a little more... loving more about myself, life and the Earth Mother that so graciously allows us to unconditionally create all the things that we humans do... good, bad and indifferent... so please think about what you do and create only positive things for her to deal with... love her like you do yourself... and be loving to her as much as possible... we need to be kind and loving to all living things...
Have a great DAY... and create something positive for YOU...
Thanks for stopping by for a visit... and breath in the air around you... and love YOU...
Love, Light and Peace....Bonnie
Well... I have to still do my Zendala... and time is marching right on by me... tonight I have my Fiber Group meeting down at the Ag Center and I am going to share some Lace' with the group... so I need to prepare for that... and also get rid of some of the Dust Bunnies that are living in the house... they are old enough to have names... and are marching around in circles and learning how to dance to the music I am playing... so maybe I had better relocate them today too... maybe later on I can do my Zendala.... I will get it done Erin... don't worry...
I did play last night with the new tangle that Maria created from a picture that was given to her by a friend... and then passed on to all of us... and the DIVA decided to get us all in on the act of creating this... so here are a few that I have done...
I had started this tangle about two weeks ago... and had put it into the drawer that holds some things in the den area... Pens, pencil and paper... and had forgotten about it... I finally dragged it out and finished it...
The Jack in the Pulpit was the first part of the tangle... and the chain the last part...
All else was done in between....A fun tangle.... I got it to flow in the tangle... and not work around it...
This little dragonfly even came to see what was going on... as did the balls of energy... a good time for all of us...
Sometimes we just need to love ourselves a little more than at other times... I woke up the other night and started to doodle in the middle of the night to relax... and I made a few mistakes... (I was really half asleep... but wanted to tangle too...) So I was going to toss this... but I really loved parts of it... and so I finished it... mistakes and all... just looks a little different in places... LOL... but I do love it... a fun piece for me...
I hope that you all are having a good time in your life... I know that I am enjoying each day a little more... loving more about myself, life and the Earth Mother that so graciously allows us to unconditionally create all the things that we humans do... good, bad and indifferent... so please think about what you do and create only positive things for her to deal with... love her like you do yourself... and be loving to her as much as possible... we need to be kind and loving to all living things...
Have a great DAY... and create something positive for YOU...
Thanks for stopping by for a visit... and breath in the air around you... and love YOU...
Love, Light and Peace....Bonnie
I am a Diva challenge,
Zen Tangle
Wednesday, March 6, 2013
A little more WHYZ
Usually I get a few more challenges done ... but this week has really been busy with making new samples for classes... and I have to say I have had so very much fun too...
But in the evening hours... I love to do my tangling...
This piece is large...
8.5 X 11 and it takes up most of the page too... I really had fun doing all the details... and believe me there are many.. .but I have enjoyed it... even the coloring in of the black with a tiny little nib point... I can't find my other pens... boo hoo... I know they are somewhere... but just can't find them.. .
This week the Diva has a new tangle... called WHYZ... and this is it in the middle... very clear and pronounced...and then I went wild... crazy wild... having fun and creating all kinds of lines and tangles...finally when I had filled up the page.. I had to stop... LOL... no more room to tangle...
Tonight... another sheet of paper... you never know what will happen...
thanks for stopping by... and see you later on... Hope you have had a good week so far... and that the weather has been fair to your area... we have had very strong winds... I can honestly say that I don't like this wind at all... dries all the soil out... and so many trees tend to fall down too.. .
Hopefully you and yours are all okay...
Love, Light and Peace...Bonnie
But in the evening hours... I love to do my tangling...
This piece is large...
8.5 X 11 and it takes up most of the page too... I really had fun doing all the details... and believe me there are many.. .but I have enjoyed it... even the coloring in of the black with a tiny little nib point... I can't find my other pens... boo hoo... I know they are somewhere... but just can't find them.. .
This week the Diva has a new tangle... called WHYZ... and this is it in the middle... very clear and pronounced...and then I went wild... crazy wild... having fun and creating all kinds of lines and tangles...finally when I had filled up the page.. I had to stop... LOL... no more room to tangle...
Tonight... another sheet of paper... you never know what will happen...
thanks for stopping by... and see you later on... Hope you have had a good week so far... and that the weather has been fair to your area... we have had very strong winds... I can honestly say that I don't like this wind at all... dries all the soil out... and so many trees tend to fall down too.. .
Hopefully you and yours are all okay...
Love, Light and Peace...Bonnie
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