Wow... I just don't know where t he time has gone this week... I am so sorry that I have not posted prior to this... but I have been on the go... and tomorrow is another on the go project again...
And this is all about that project...
We are going to get some new chickens... new meaning a new variety of chicken...
We have had Buckeyes for quite a long time... and now we are getting Java's which are all black and also some Barred Plymouth Rock... which are black and white... Should look great together... even though we will keep them separated so as to keep the blood lines strong.
So I drew an egg starting to open... all of ours are waiting for us to come and pick them up... all 151 of them...
When I was sitting the other night trying to get ready for bed... my pen found it's way into my hand... and I started to tangle... so I created this textured piece of art... I love all the different feelings from each section... so very much like LIFE...
And then one night ... the snail came out again... LOL.. I just love these snails...
Our son brought me home this snail from Germany one year... He saw it and knew I had to have it... I love it... it sits on the table and I often find it in my drawings too... as it appears here.. It doesn't eat too much.. but it is friendly and loves to be put into pictures... of all types... even photos...
Well... I do hope that you all have a GREAT day... and have had a wonderful week... I hope to be back here soon.. as I have a lot more to share with you...
Thanks for stopping by for a visit... and have a WONDERFUL DAY....
Love, Light and Peace...Bonnie
Thursday, February 28, 2013
Sunday, February 24, 2013
Tangling along the way
For those of you who visit my blog often Tangling has really become a very important part of my daily life... as you might have already guessed that.. I find it very relaxing and very rewarding activity and also very introspective for me... it is sort of like an "awaken dream state" and I find all kinds of things in these tangles that sort of 'speak' to me.
This one for some reason, which I have not totally figured out yet, really speaks to me... I love it... it is in a very fluid motion... and yet is very stable... maybe that is where I am in life???
I do love what I am doing... and how we are living... it is just perfect for me... although I can always find ways to improve everything around me... but can't we all find that everyday of our lives??? LOL...
I had to try to create these ribbons that Maria had done on the Zentangle blog... so I worked at these really hard... and then from there the whole tangling just took over... this is 8.5 X 11 in size... and so it is not a small tangling at all.. . I just let it all go on this one...
But I have to say that I did the same on this one... I just went with it... and then the bunny came dancing along and peeked out from behind the PUF...
She is daring this early... but she is getting anxious to say the least..
Things just happened here... and with no rhyme or reason either... just did.. .
I had two classes this week where I taught gals how to make a folded box... and also 12 different flowers... they were fun classes and I totally enjoyed meeting them... and also playing and sharing these different ways with them... so it has been a fun, yet tiring week... but in between I have had time to tangle and also even knit a little... and also cook, make cookies and also entertain a little with some new friends... all fun things... and all very enlightening... in so many ways...
Then Saturday Morning... ERIN... from the BRIGHT OWL puts up a new Zendala .... I tried to not do it ... but the pen came out and I started to play with it for a while.. .but then I had to go teach my class... but it so relaxed me... I felt so good... this is a wonderful thing... especially when you are tired and really want to go back to bed.. it was a perfect day to jump into bed... pull the covers up and read a good book... and listen to the rain... but I tangled, and then went to play in the class...
So this morning... Sunday... I had to finish up where I left off...
And this is what happened there...
I haven't done any flowers in so very long that I had to draw some!!!! So I just did a plain zendala on this one... the flowers and the leaves... leaving a lot of white... I was going to color this... but left it....
BUT you know me... nothing is simple...
So I had to do one that had some real meaning for me...
My very favorite number is 6.... and since this is a 6 Mandala... I went a little bit more into 6... and everything is in 6's...
We are going to be planting more when the soil dries up a little... we have had a lot of WONDERFUL rain... and we are suppose to be getting some more... of course this week we are also getting babies... more on that later... with pictures and all..
So the very center of the dala are the seeds.. and then the sparkles are the representation of the rows ... even though our beds are contoured to the land and we don't do conventional planting, we do plant in rows... our beds are 8 feet wide... and are 200 feet long... and then there is a grassy space between each bed that is about 6-10 feet wide. so this is what the sparkle tangles are... the beds...With the little sprouts coming out of them... The Tripoli is to represent the wheel of the planter, planting and dropping off the seeds (the little black pearls ) into the soil... the flower is the beginning of the new life in the soil.
So this is a SPRING zendala... and it will be fruitful this year in all ways... YES!!!
Spring is on the bough here... that is for sure... a spring bird woke me up this morning... and he was singing for a mate... hope he found one.
Hope that you find all you are looking for today too... have a super nice Sunday... enjoy playing or creating and love the time you can spend with others you LOVE..
Thanks for stopping by for a look see and a visit.. and thanks a million for all your wonderful comments... someday I will be able to go around and visit your site too... (keeping fingers crossed)
Love, Light and Peace...Bonnie
This one for some reason, which I have not totally figured out yet, really speaks to me... I love it... it is in a very fluid motion... and yet is very stable... maybe that is where I am in life???
I do love what I am doing... and how we are living... it is just perfect for me... although I can always find ways to improve everything around me... but can't we all find that everyday of our lives??? LOL...
I had to try to create these ribbons that Maria had done on the Zentangle blog... so I worked at these really hard... and then from there the whole tangling just took over... this is 8.5 X 11 in size... and so it is not a small tangling at all.. . I just let it all go on this one...
But I have to say that I did the same on this one... I just went with it... and then the bunny came dancing along and peeked out from behind the PUF...
She is daring this early... but she is getting anxious to say the least..
Things just happened here... and with no rhyme or reason either... just did.. .
I had two classes this week where I taught gals how to make a folded box... and also 12 different flowers... they were fun classes and I totally enjoyed meeting them... and also playing and sharing these different ways with them... so it has been a fun, yet tiring week... but in between I have had time to tangle and also even knit a little... and also cook, make cookies and also entertain a little with some new friends... all fun things... and all very enlightening... in so many ways...
Then Saturday Morning... ERIN... from the BRIGHT OWL puts up a new Zendala .... I tried to not do it ... but the pen came out and I started to play with it for a while.. .but then I had to go teach my class... but it so relaxed me... I felt so good... this is a wonderful thing... especially when you are tired and really want to go back to bed.. it was a perfect day to jump into bed... pull the covers up and read a good book... and listen to the rain... but I tangled, and then went to play in the class...
So this morning... Sunday... I had to finish up where I left off...
And this is what happened there...
I haven't done any flowers in so very long that I had to draw some!!!! So I just did a plain zendala on this one... the flowers and the leaves... leaving a lot of white... I was going to color this... but left it....
BUT you know me... nothing is simple...
So I had to do one that had some real meaning for me...
My very favorite number is 6.... and since this is a 6 Mandala... I went a little bit more into 6... and everything is in 6's...
We are going to be planting more when the soil dries up a little... we have had a lot of WONDERFUL rain... and we are suppose to be getting some more... of course this week we are also getting babies... more on that later... with pictures and all..
So the very center of the dala are the seeds.. and then the sparkles are the representation of the rows ... even though our beds are contoured to the land and we don't do conventional planting, we do plant in rows... our beds are 8 feet wide... and are 200 feet long... and then there is a grassy space between each bed that is about 6-10 feet wide. so this is what the sparkle tangles are... the beds...With the little sprouts coming out of them... The Tripoli is to represent the wheel of the planter, planting and dropping off the seeds (the little black pearls ) into the soil... the flower is the beginning of the new life in the soil.
So this is a SPRING zendala... and it will be fruitful this year in all ways... YES!!!
Spring is on the bough here... that is for sure... a spring bird woke me up this morning... and he was singing for a mate... hope he found one.
Hope that you find all you are looking for today too... have a super nice Sunday... enjoy playing or creating and love the time you can spend with others you LOVE..
Thanks for stopping by for a look see and a visit.. and thanks a million for all your wonderful comments... someday I will be able to go around and visit your site too... (keeping fingers crossed)
Love, Light and Peace...Bonnie
Zen Tangle,
Zendala challenge
Friday, February 22, 2013
More Quandry..
Well do you think I love Quandry yet???
I do... it is in all my newest tiles... LOL... and I have been really having fun today with these three new strings...
Someone asked me why I love snails so very much...
When I was an undergraduate in college, my major was art... and we were not allowed to sign our name until we got our degree... and we had to use a logo... I used a snail... so I love snails now... of course collage was a few years ago... but I still love them... they come out in all kinds of places... funny enough I use to have 100's of them all around the house.. .but when we moved... a lot of them sort of got lost, broken etc... and now I think I am down to about 30 or so.. but I still love them...
As you can see Quandry is all in the background here...
Another string and more Quandry...
This week the Diva's challenge is all about quandry... so check it out...
This one is all about LOVE... and the lips are sending kisses to you..Love of the arts, love of life, love of anything at all... and everything... LOVE...
This one has lots of LOVE too..
There are hearts all over it... and also I have used Quandry as a main petal here... I love using all different kinds of tangles to see how they blend with each other...
I also have started to write down the string numbers on the tiles, so that I know which ones they are... I can't remember after a while... Oh well... such is life in the fast lane...
Hope that you are having a GREAT day... stay warm..and dry.. and enjoy the entire day...
Thanks for stopping by for a visit... and see you soon...
Love, Light and Peace...Bonnie
I do... it is in all my newest tiles... LOL... and I have been really having fun today with these three new strings...
Someone asked me why I love snails so very much...
When I was an undergraduate in college, my major was art... and we were not allowed to sign our name until we got our degree... and we had to use a logo... I used a snail... so I love snails now... of course collage was a few years ago... but I still love them... they come out in all kinds of places... funny enough I use to have 100's of them all around the house.. .but when we moved... a lot of them sort of got lost, broken etc... and now I think I am down to about 30 or so.. but I still love them...
As you can see Quandry is all in the background here...
Another string and more Quandry...
This week the Diva's challenge is all about quandry... so check it out...
This one is all about LOVE... and the lips are sending kisses to you..Love of the arts, love of life, love of anything at all... and everything... LOVE...
This one has lots of LOVE too..
There are hearts all over it... and also I have used Quandry as a main petal here... I love using all different kinds of tangles to see how they blend with each other...
I also have started to write down the string numbers on the tiles, so that I know which ones they are... I can't remember after a while... Oh well... such is life in the fast lane...
Hope that you are having a GREAT day... stay warm..and dry.. and enjoy the entire day...
Thanks for stopping by for a visit... and see you soon...
Love, Light and Peace...Bonnie
I am a Diva challenge,
Zen Tangle
Thursday, February 21, 2013
A few more moments of PEACE
When I tangle, I have total PEACE of mind... and it feels so wonderful in all ways... so yesterday I needed to go to that special place and relax and meditate... so... out came the paper and pen... and this is what happened.....
When I have to feel free... I do a little Mooka... like this...
I love the freedom of it...
Then I had to play with a few more new ones...
So many great new tangles... this is WILD....
I tied in a few old with a few new ones... and I used a new string for me.... #32...
Well... today I have a class where I am going to teach how to make a box... and also teach gals how to make 12 different flowers... what fun we are going to have... This is going to be a the Agricultural center not far from our farm... what a fun place this is turning into... a real community of all kinds of things... everything from Yoga to a Black smithing studio... One gal also has a Stain Glass studio there... and there are herbalists, Forest Rangers, Massage Therapists, and then there are all kinds of groups that meet there... Like the Fiber Group that I also belong to... and since there is an Auditorium there are always different things on going all the time...
Of course there is a Farm Market there... and right now there are baby Chicks for sale... So very many wonderful things going on there all the time... I am anxious to get a lot of women involved in creating with all kinds of mediums... if you are local and want to join in, there is a blog on the right hand column of this blog... it is at the very top... click on it and you will find all kinds of info... hope to see you soon...
Well to all of you others... I hope that you have a place that is bringing community together in your area... Join in and have fun with other like minded people...
Remember that Only one line at a TIME and you can create what ever it is you desire...
Check out the Divas' Challenge this week... I am starting to really love the Quandry tangle...
Have a great day... and enjoy everything you do...
The Snail is getting anxious for SPRING to arrive... are you???
If you are getting snow today just think about all the plants it will nourish when it melts... LOL... only way to think about it...
Thanks for stopping by for a visit...
Love, Light and Peace...Bonnie
When I have to feel free... I do a little Mooka... like this...
I love the freedom of it...
Then I had to play with a few more new ones...
So many great new tangles... this is WILD....
I tied in a few old with a few new ones... and I used a new string for me.... #32...
Well... today I have a class where I am going to teach how to make a box... and also teach gals how to make 12 different flowers... what fun we are going to have... This is going to be a the Agricultural center not far from our farm... what a fun place this is turning into... a real community of all kinds of things... everything from Yoga to a Black smithing studio... One gal also has a Stain Glass studio there... and there are herbalists, Forest Rangers, Massage Therapists, and then there are all kinds of groups that meet there... Like the Fiber Group that I also belong to... and since there is an Auditorium there are always different things on going all the time...
Of course there is a Farm Market there... and right now there are baby Chicks for sale... So very many wonderful things going on there all the time... I am anxious to get a lot of women involved in creating with all kinds of mediums... if you are local and want to join in, there is a blog on the right hand column of this blog... it is at the very top... click on it and you will find all kinds of info... hope to see you soon...
Well to all of you others... I hope that you have a place that is bringing community together in your area... Join in and have fun with other like minded people...
Remember that Only one line at a TIME and you can create what ever it is you desire...
![]() |
Quandry |
Have a great day... and enjoy everything you do...
The Snail is getting anxious for SPRING to arrive... are you???
If you are getting snow today just think about all the plants it will nourish when it melts... LOL... only way to think about it...
Thanks for stopping by for a visit...
Love, Light and Peace...Bonnie
I am a Diva challenge,
Zen Tangle
Wednesday, February 20, 2013
Thanks for all the LOVE
Today I would like to thank all of you who leave all these wonderful comments on my Blog.. and I am unable to return these wonderful comments to your blog... and see all your wonderful work and play that you create... So THANKS... for all the LOVE...
On Monday the Diva , Laura, gave us a challenge to use Maria's newest tangle called Quandry... so I did a TIA... but as always I have to totally understand the tangle... so I started to play around with it... and finally decided to download the ZenTangle blog... and when I got there I found some of the work that Maria has been doing.... and fell in love with the hearts and there was a square with these little x's and pearls all around it... I loved it... so in appreciation for all the LOVE, and all the wonderful tangles that Maria and Rick give to us... I did this piece..
I THANK you Maria and Rick for all the LOVE...
(Have you ever been in a straw bale house... they always leave a space to show you that it is truly a straw bale house... so I left a space in the heart to show that it is all tangled underneath too.. .LOL... So silly... but I felt like doing that ... I love this technique and will most likely use it a lot.. . (it did take over an hour to download the Zentangle blog... I so wish I could get DSL or something a little faster than this dial up... maybe some day the phone gods will grace us with dsl out here...
Then I had a few more minutes prior to starting to pack up the rest of my things for my classes over the next few days... so I did another tangle...
I really wanted to get to know this Quandry a little bit better... so I started to do it... and it was so very simple for me... once I connected the thoughts and not the lines... ZEN.... wow... ohhhhh
The FLOWER of LIFE... where we all began... I added some other flowing lines and things... just to give some action to this tangle... I love it... Thanks again to you all...
Have a super wonderful day... and enjoy it all...
Our March winds have arrived here... it is sunny... but very very windy today.. .
Thanks for stopping by and also thanks again for all the lovely and sincere comments you leave.. .
Love, Light and Peace....Bonnie
On Monday the Diva , Laura, gave us a challenge to use Maria's newest tangle called Quandry... so I did a TIA... but as always I have to totally understand the tangle... so I started to play around with it... and finally decided to download the ZenTangle blog... and when I got there I found some of the work that Maria has been doing.... and fell in love with the hearts and there was a square with these little x's and pearls all around it... I loved it... so in appreciation for all the LOVE, and all the wonderful tangles that Maria and Rick give to us... I did this piece..
I THANK you Maria and Rick for all the LOVE...
(Have you ever been in a straw bale house... they always leave a space to show you that it is truly a straw bale house... so I left a space in the heart to show that it is all tangled underneath too.. .LOL... So silly... but I felt like doing that ... I love this technique and will most likely use it a lot.. . (it did take over an hour to download the Zentangle blog... I so wish I could get DSL or something a little faster than this dial up... maybe some day the phone gods will grace us with dsl out here...
Then I had a few more minutes prior to starting to pack up the rest of my things for my classes over the next few days... so I did another tangle...
I really wanted to get to know this Quandry a little bit better... so I started to do it... and it was so very simple for me... once I connected the thoughts and not the lines... ZEN.... wow... ohhhhh
The FLOWER of LIFE... where we all began... I added some other flowing lines and things... just to give some action to this tangle... I love it... Thanks again to you all...
Have a super wonderful day... and enjoy it all...
Our March winds have arrived here... it is sunny... but very very windy today.. .
Thanks for stopping by and also thanks again for all the lovely and sincere comments you leave.. .
Love, Light and Peace....Bonnie
I am a Diva challenge,
Zen Tangle
Monday, February 18, 2013
Monday, Monday
Well last night after I posted a few Zendalas, I went out into the kitchen and did a few more.... I really loved this one... it was so very flowing and I love that... so here they are...
I wanted the center of this one to sink... and I got that ... but I wanted the next layer to look a little bit sunken too... and I didn't that to happen... but maybe next time I will...
Trying to get different things to happen with shading.
On this one... I did the shading first...!!!! I had never done that before... so I tried it.... I was tired, and I really didn't think I would tangle it at all... but I did a little bit... What fun that was..
Thanks Erin at The Bright Owl for the GREAT Mandala to play with... hope that you have a GREAT week... and that school is good this week... .
Well... of course today is MONDAY... and that means that it is Diva Day... and today we are to use the NEW Tangle called QUANDRY!!!! Wow... fun and games galore!!!!
So I started with a 8.5 x 11 piece of paper... and drew a random string... and low and behold I tried to stay in the lines... but the pen just wouldn't stay in... so this is what happened...
As you can see... I really had a lot of fun creating this tangle.... and of course when I do have fun... the snail always has to join in too... he just loves a good time...
Well I can't stay on here... as we are waiting for a phone call... and being on dial up is just one of the things that creates a short BLOG.... LOL...
Have a great DAY... enjoy it all... stay warm no matter where you live in the world... and TANGLE... Thanks for taking a look at my tangling... and stopping by for a visit..
Love, Light and Peace...Bonnie
I wanted the center of this one to sink... and I got that ... but I wanted the next layer to look a little bit sunken too... and I didn't that to happen... but maybe next time I will...
Trying to get different things to happen with shading.
On this one... I did the shading first...!!!! I had never done that before... so I tried it.... I was tired, and I really didn't think I would tangle it at all... but I did a little bit... What fun that was..
Thanks Erin at The Bright Owl for the GREAT Mandala to play with... hope that you have a GREAT week... and that school is good this week... .
Well... of course today is MONDAY... and that means that it is Diva Day... and today we are to use the NEW Tangle called QUANDRY!!!! Wow... fun and games galore!!!!
So I started with a 8.5 x 11 piece of paper... and drew a random string... and low and behold I tried to stay in the lines... but the pen just wouldn't stay in... so this is what happened...
As you can see... I really had a lot of fun creating this tangle.... and of course when I do have fun... the snail always has to join in too... he just loves a good time...
Well I can't stay on here... as we are waiting for a phone call... and being on dial up is just one of the things that creates a short BLOG.... LOL...
Have a great DAY... enjoy it all... stay warm no matter where you live in the world... and TANGLE... Thanks for taking a look at my tangling... and stopping by for a visit..
Love, Light and Peace...Bonnie
I am a Diva challenge,
Zen Tangle,
Zendala challenge
Sunday, February 17, 2013
Just before Bed!!!
Last night just before bed... like 10 minutes prior to going into bed to sleep I felt the NEED to tangle... so I grabbed a piece of cardstock... 8.5 x 11 and tangled this ....
It took me all of 10 minutes to tangle this entire piece... usually I spend a lot of time thinking things out... and planning and creating the look I want... I think I need to just go with the flow a little more... in so many things... not just in tangling.. . LOL... I had fun with each section... and walked into bed and fell sound asleep.... no tossing and turning tonight!!!! Sound asleep...
This morning I got up and shaded this piece... and love the way it came out... I have been running flat out for a week now.. and do need to take a few minutes and rest today... but I still have a lot of work to do for this week... and we are also planning all the garden things this week too... so it is a very very full time in our lives...
Hope that you are having a wonderful day and time... and able to enjoy the wintery weather... Actually we just closed our windows for the first time this winter... due to some problems that we had in the fall using an organic spray we have been unable to breathe correctly... and so this morning I felt the need to try and see if we can keep our windows closed!!! Keeping fingers crossed that we can... I need to feel warm with out the wood stove doing over time...
Thanks for stopping by... and enjoy your day...
Well I have taken the day to play... I needed it... it has been a hectic week... and I have another one coming... so I took the day to tangle and RELAX!!!! I had so very much fun...
So here are a few more tangles that I created...
Since the last one was so very strong in feeling... I had to do a soft feeling one... and so this one came out... I was still in the same mood... so it only took me a few minutes to tangle this... and then I had to shade it... that is what takes me so very much longer... but I do love to shade... so that is not a problem.....
Glenn and I were talking and having a fun time... so we were both enjoying the afternoon... the kind that we have not had in a long time... good times..
We were talking about farming... and all the things that we wanted to do.. and I started to think about the pear trees... hoping that the frost didn't get the fruit trees this year... that happens more often than not... so I also have been trying to do new tangles too... and this basket weave is one that is so hard for me to do... It just doesn't flow for me at all... so I worked on it... and it is about the same... I can do it... but don't find it enjoyable... and to me... TANGLING has to be enjoyable... or else not worth doing... LOL... RIGHT???
This happened... and I am not really sure I will do any of these again... but I tried it... and got the action... just not really my cup of tea either...
Oh well... I love flowers... and that kind of thing the best...
THEN... I happened to remember that I hadn't done the Zendala this week... so I went to the BRIGHT OWL... and found the mandala.. and started to work on that...
This is not larger than 3 inches in diameter... I really had to get the smallest pen I had... the point... .005... a really tiny point... but I did have fun with this... and I loved using the pencil in different ways to get all the depths too... I had a lot of fun with this ERIN!!!! LOVE IT... thanks... and I know that you are up to your eye brows with stuff... so thanks for all the input... Life is full of surprises for us... in so many ways...
Okay... so now I am ready for bed again... LOL.. and hopefully I have tangled enough today to get a good nights sleep... if not... I will be up doing another zendala!!!!
See you tomorrow or the next day with the Diva's challenge...
Have a good one...
Love, Light and Peace...Bonnie
It took me all of 10 minutes to tangle this entire piece... usually I spend a lot of time thinking things out... and planning and creating the look I want... I think I need to just go with the flow a little more... in so many things... not just in tangling.. . LOL... I had fun with each section... and walked into bed and fell sound asleep.... no tossing and turning tonight!!!! Sound asleep...
This morning I got up and shaded this piece... and love the way it came out... I have been running flat out for a week now.. and do need to take a few minutes and rest today... but I still have a lot of work to do for this week... and we are also planning all the garden things this week too... so it is a very very full time in our lives...
Hope that you are having a wonderful day and time... and able to enjoy the wintery weather... Actually we just closed our windows for the first time this winter... due to some problems that we had in the fall using an organic spray we have been unable to breathe correctly... and so this morning I felt the need to try and see if we can keep our windows closed!!! Keeping fingers crossed that we can... I need to feel warm with out the wood stove doing over time...
Thanks for stopping by... and enjoy your day...
Well I have taken the day to play... I needed it... it has been a hectic week... and I have another one coming... so I took the day to tangle and RELAX!!!! I had so very much fun...
So here are a few more tangles that I created...
Since the last one was so very strong in feeling... I had to do a soft feeling one... and so this one came out... I was still in the same mood... so it only took me a few minutes to tangle this... and then I had to shade it... that is what takes me so very much longer... but I do love to shade... so that is not a problem.....
Glenn and I were talking and having a fun time... so we were both enjoying the afternoon... the kind that we have not had in a long time... good times..
We were talking about farming... and all the things that we wanted to do.. and I started to think about the pear trees... hoping that the frost didn't get the fruit trees this year... that happens more often than not... so I also have been trying to do new tangles too... and this basket weave is one that is so hard for me to do... It just doesn't flow for me at all... so I worked on it... and it is about the same... I can do it... but don't find it enjoyable... and to me... TANGLING has to be enjoyable... or else not worth doing... LOL... RIGHT???
This happened... and I am not really sure I will do any of these again... but I tried it... and got the action... just not really my cup of tea either...
Oh well... I love flowers... and that kind of thing the best...
THEN... I happened to remember that I hadn't done the Zendala this week... so I went to the BRIGHT OWL... and found the mandala.. and started to work on that...
This is not larger than 3 inches in diameter... I really had to get the smallest pen I had... the point... .005... a really tiny point... but I did have fun with this... and I loved using the pencil in different ways to get all the depths too... I had a lot of fun with this ERIN!!!! LOVE IT... thanks... and I know that you are up to your eye brows with stuff... so thanks for all the input... Life is full of surprises for us... in so many ways...
Okay... so now I am ready for bed again... LOL.. and hopefully I have tangled enough today to get a good nights sleep... if not... I will be up doing another zendala!!!!
See you tomorrow or the next day with the Diva's challenge...
Have a good one...
Love, Light and Peace...Bonnie
Zen Tangle,
Zendala challenge
Tuesday, February 12, 2013
The year of 4711
Last night I did a little research on line... LOL.. something I hardly ever do because of dial up... but it was the middle of the night and my speed on line was way up... up to 44kbps.... yippeee.... it only took 15 minutes for the google page to come up!!!! That is really fast around here...
Anyway I found a snake that I really loved the shape of his body language... so I created this little tangle...
So this has Happy New Year on the right side... Bamboo for a good life ahead... and the sun along with the two years for this year...
I find this so very fascinating that the Snake is the 6th sign on the Chinese Zodiac... as 6 is my favorite number... and my Husband was born in the year of the snake... and he is my favorite!!! person in the world.. and he is very handsome like this snake is...
Okay... so this is my second entry this week...maybe I will get a few more done too... that is for the year of the snake on the Diva's challenge
This morning we were talking to our son on the phone... which we haven't been able to connect for the past few weeks... schedules are too hectic on his and our parts... so while we were talking I was of course doodling... and this went down the side of my list of things to get done today... which now I won't as we talked too long... but that is okay...
If you want to see some of his work... you can go here... He is a chain saw carver... and travels all over the world doing exhibitions of all kinds...
Scotland and UK is a favorite... but so is Germany... and he has even gotten a few requests while in Peru... so he has left some of his talents all over... such a good feeling to know that your off spring are doing what they love...
So since I have mentioned our Son... I have to give equal time to our daughter who is now throwing clay... and is loving it... she has always wanted to be a potter... and is taking that along with getting her masters... so both of our 'children' have allowed the artistic talents to come alive...
Both Glenn and I are I am glad that they have pursued this in their lives... makes my heart sing... and our grandson is showing great signs of the same...
Well... just wanted to share that all with you...
Hope you all have a great day... and thanks for stopping in for a spot of tea... coffee, or even kombucha... check that stuff out... really a great health drink... love the stuff...
Love, Light and Peace...Bonnie...
Anyway I found a snake that I really loved the shape of his body language... so I created this little tangle...
So this has Happy New Year on the right side... Bamboo for a good life ahead... and the sun along with the two years for this year...
I find this so very fascinating that the Snake is the 6th sign on the Chinese Zodiac... as 6 is my favorite number... and my Husband was born in the year of the snake... and he is my favorite!!! person in the world.. and he is very handsome like this snake is...
Okay... so this is my second entry this week...maybe I will get a few more done too... that is for the year of the snake on the Diva's challenge
This morning we were talking to our son on the phone... which we haven't been able to connect for the past few weeks... schedules are too hectic on his and our parts... so while we were talking I was of course doodling... and this went down the side of my list of things to get done today... which now I won't as we talked too long... but that is okay...
If you want to see some of his work... you can go here... He is a chain saw carver... and travels all over the world doing exhibitions of all kinds...
Scotland and UK is a favorite... but so is Germany... and he has even gotten a few requests while in Peru... so he has left some of his talents all over... such a good feeling to know that your off spring are doing what they love...
So since I have mentioned our Son... I have to give equal time to our daughter who is now throwing clay... and is loving it... she has always wanted to be a potter... and is taking that along with getting her masters... so both of our 'children' have allowed the artistic talents to come alive...
Both Glenn and I are I am glad that they have pursued this in their lives... makes my heart sing... and our grandson is showing great signs of the same...
Well... just wanted to share that all with you...
Hope you all have a great day... and thanks for stopping in for a spot of tea... coffee, or even kombucha... check that stuff out... really a great health drink... love the stuff...
Love, Light and Peace...Bonnie...
I am a Diva challenge,
Zen Tangle
Monday, February 11, 2013
Happy New Year
Happy New Year... Chinese New Year that is... the Year of the SNAKE.... my husband was born in the year of the snake... but I am a monkey... and we should not be as compatible as we are... but we have been together for over 45 years now... so I guess some things just are meant to be...
Well I worked on this and wanted to add more.. .but have a huge list of TO DO THINGS in front of me... so I finished what I could and am moving on with my day...
This week the DIVA
asked us to create a tangle, using a snake... I don't particularly like snakes... so I had to make mine a little differently... with a semi human face... LOL... She is guarding her eggs.. and some of them are different than the others...
Thanks Laura for all the love that you put into these challenges... even not feeling on top of the world... hope that things change this week for you and B-rad and the boys... Sending healing love to y'all...
Hope that you have a great week... enjoying yourself... and trying this tangle too... post it... and enjoy... thanks for stopping by for a visit and hope to see you again soon...
Love, Light and Peace..... Bonnie
Well I worked on this and wanted to add more.. .but have a huge list of TO DO THINGS in front of me... so I finished what I could and am moving on with my day...
This week the DIVA
asked us to create a tangle, using a snake... I don't particularly like snakes... so I had to make mine a little differently... with a semi human face... LOL... She is guarding her eggs.. and some of them are different than the others...
Thanks Laura for all the love that you put into these challenges... even not feeling on top of the world... hope that things change this week for you and B-rad and the boys... Sending healing love to y'all...
Hope that you have a great week... enjoying yourself... and trying this tangle too... post it... and enjoy... thanks for stopping by for a visit and hope to see you again soon...
Love, Light and Peace..... Bonnie
I am a Diva challenge,
Zen Tangle
Sunday, February 10, 2013
A busy Week-end
What a fun, busy week-end... Yesterday we had our Farmers Market and it was really a fun time... meeting new people, talking about paper crafts, ZenTangling, and farming is always a fun time... but this week-end seemed to be really special for some reason.
Maybe it was just the moods of the different people that we met... or maybe it was us... but it was FUN... and looking forward to the next one...
But getting up at 4:30 really does my 'beauty sleep' in... and so after dinner, we were ready for a good nights sleep!!! But I wanted to tangle a little bit, so I did...
To 'warm up' I did String 36... and then worked on Erin's newest Zendala challenge

I loved using this tangle called Voga... so much fun... and I love the results of it... Thanks Carol for the tangle...
I also love the heart chain... can't remember the name of it... but I had fun with that one too... and then the one that Helen Williams did as a background... so much fun... thanks to all the wonderful gals that can create these great NEW TANGLES... love them all.. keep them coming.
All I could see in the little oval areas were hearts.. I guess because Valentines Day is this week... Happy Valentines Day...
To one and all...
And I was very tired... so that was about all I could get out last night... I was ready for a good nights sleep...
For more info on the Zendalas... go to ERIN's site... and also click on all the names to go to their blogs and see what they have created too... I sure do wish that I could... but someday maybe I will be able too... Thanks for stopping by for a visit... and see ya'll soon...
Hope you finish your week-end out with more fun, love and making and doing something FUN and lovely...
Love, Light and Peace...Bonnie
Maybe it was just the moods of the different people that we met... or maybe it was us... but it was FUN... and looking forward to the next one...
But getting up at 4:30 really does my 'beauty sleep' in... and so after dinner, we were ready for a good nights sleep!!! But I wanted to tangle a little bit, so I did...
To 'warm up' I did String 36... and then worked on Erin's newest Zendala challenge

I loved using this tangle called Voga... so much fun... and I love the results of it... Thanks Carol for the tangle...
I also love the heart chain... can't remember the name of it... but I had fun with that one too... and then the one that Helen Williams did as a background... so much fun... thanks to all the wonderful gals that can create these great NEW TANGLES... love them all.. keep them coming.
All I could see in the little oval areas were hearts.. I guess because Valentines Day is this week... Happy Valentines Day...
To one and all...
And I was very tired... so that was about all I could get out last night... I was ready for a good nights sleep...
For more info on the Zendalas... go to ERIN's site... and also click on all the names to go to their blogs and see what they have created too... I sure do wish that I could... but someday maybe I will be able too... Thanks for stopping by for a visit... and see ya'll soon...
Hope you finish your week-end out with more fun, love and making and doing something FUN and lovely...
Love, Light and Peace...Bonnie
Zen Tangle,
Zendala challenge
Thursday, February 7, 2013
Beads of Time
So very often we DON'T think about time at all... for one reason or the other... we waste too much of it... and every precious SECOND is so very valuable. Yesterday, like so many 'shopping' days, I take along my tangling in case I get stuck in the car waiting for Glenn to do his errands... and so yesterday was so of weird... as I only was in the car for about 5 minutes alone... it seems that everytime we parked, there was someone that wanted to talk??? So I got very little tangling done... I really had counted on it too... I wanted to do some more of this Dansk and some of the other new tangles to me and get more use to the flow and ebb of their ability to move... LOL.. or my ability to move them around as I desire.. .
I also did a new tangle... the one with the Chinese coins.. not really sure I enjoyed it enough to do it again... but will certainly try it... I try to give each tangle at least 4-5 tries prior to saying I don't like it... I generally don't like t o fill in squares... but have found some that I like the boldness of... so that is good...
Well this week... was a week when I didn't think I would ANY Time to tangle... and this is my 4th entry into the I AM THE DIVA challenge... I love these types of challenges as I really give them a work out...
This tangle is 8.5 x 11 and I love the largeness of it... I was really able to use my .005 pen and get some really small details in there... I also was able to allow the snail to come back for a visit... she has been busy with other projects and finally took the time to sit while I sketched her... she is so very special to me... LOL... Love these tangles... each one is so very much fun... thanks to all who invented them... created the fun with each one of them... and then shared them with us to use in different ways...
Zentangling has certainly expanded my life... and also everyone around me... my daughter and grandson are very prolific with tangling now... and my son has started to use some of the tangles in his wood sculptures... he loves Mi2... very pretty... when I get a picture I will share it with you...
Thanks for stopping by... and have a great day... it looks like it is going to rain here... but who knows... yesterday we saw DAFFODILS spring is not too far off for us down here in Western North Carolina... and I am sure in other areas of the state it is already SPRING like conditions... but out in the mountains we have a little bit different weather patterns... but I love it here... we have had a very light Winter... and in some ways that scares me a little bit... but in other ways ... I LOVE IT..
Enjoy your day... and each second of your day...
Love, Light and Peace...Bonnie
I also did a new tangle... the one with the Chinese coins.. not really sure I enjoyed it enough to do it again... but will certainly try it... I try to give each tangle at least 4-5 tries prior to saying I don't like it... I generally don't like t o fill in squares... but have found some that I like the boldness of... so that is good...
Well this week... was a week when I didn't think I would ANY Time to tangle... and this is my 4th entry into the I AM THE DIVA challenge... I love these types of challenges as I really give them a work out...
This tangle is 8.5 x 11 and I love the largeness of it... I was really able to use my .005 pen and get some really small details in there... I also was able to allow the snail to come back for a visit... she has been busy with other projects and finally took the time to sit while I sketched her... she is so very special to me... LOL... Love these tangles... each one is so very much fun... thanks to all who invented them... created the fun with each one of them... and then shared them with us to use in different ways...
Zentangling has certainly expanded my life... and also everyone around me... my daughter and grandson are very prolific with tangling now... and my son has started to use some of the tangles in his wood sculptures... he loves Mi2... very pretty... when I get a picture I will share it with you...
Thanks for stopping by... and have a great day... it looks like it is going to rain here... but who knows... yesterday we saw DAFFODILS spring is not too far off for us down here in Western North Carolina... and I am sure in other areas of the state it is already SPRING like conditions... but out in the mountains we have a little bit different weather patterns... but I love it here... we have had a very light Winter... and in some ways that scares me a little bit... but in other ways ... I LOVE IT..
Enjoy your day... and each second of your day...
Love, Light and Peace...Bonnie
I am a Diva challenge,
Zen Tangle
Wednesday, February 6, 2013
Dansk is in there... somewhere
Yesterday was a day that every time I turned around something else was not done right... I even missed a class... I thought it was suppose to be at 6 in the evening... and it was 9 in the morning... duh!!!! And I was so looking forward to it too... oh well... it was just one of those days.. but my comforting activity for the day was a tangle... I took out a small piece of misc paper and started to tangle on it... nothing new... but I used a .005 point!!!! Yikes that is really small.. but I had a blast with the tangle... and love the way it came out... I tried to use a bunch of new tangles... and I have to say I am in love with them all... and that I love doing all the things that the DIVA throws out at us to get involved with... it sure does keep my pen flowing... thanks Laura
I did something that I have never done before either... I started to add detail to one of the tangles...and didn't like it ... so I just stopped doing it... and I left it like that too... oh well.. such is life in my tangle world...
Of course I also got another string done... and I decided that the title of the string should also be in the tangle.. so I added it... what fun this is... I am so very glad that I have found tangling... and have made it part of my art life...
Hope that you have another good day... and I am hoping the same for myself... LOL... no more mess ups... LOL.. .just good things all day long... Thanks for all the comments and encouragement... I love art... and find great joy and love it in all the time... and today it hit a zenith of pleasure ... that is for sure...
Thanks for stopping by for a visit... and hope to see you tomorrow too..
Love, Light and Peace...Bonnie
I did something that I have never done before either... I started to add detail to one of the tangles...and didn't like it ... so I just stopped doing it... and I left it like that too... oh well.. such is life in my tangle world...
Of course I also got another string done... and I decided that the title of the string should also be in the tangle.. so I added it... what fun this is... I am so very glad that I have found tangling... and have made it part of my art life...
Hope that you have another good day... and I am hoping the same for myself... LOL... no more mess ups... LOL.. .just good things all day long... Thanks for all the comments and encouragement... I love art... and find great joy and love it in all the time... and today it hit a zenith of pleasure ... that is for sure...
Thanks for stopping by for a visit... and hope to see you tomorrow too..
Love, Light and Peace...Bonnie
I am a Diva challenge,
Zen Tangle
Habits are hard to break
Sometimes it is hard to break a habit... good or bad... but this one is a good habit... at least I think it is... LOL...
I tend to doodle on things... anything that is on the table or where I am sitting... and last night it was on the back of a list of things to do.... so much for getting them done... had to scan and post this one... I love the way it looks ...
Even though it is on an index card... It is still a doodle that I love...
So I wanted to share a feeling with ya'll...
No matter what you do..
if you love it...
and it is a positive in all ways...
it is okay...
So have fun with doodling all over the place... no matter where it is... I have even given some doodles away on a bill here and there... LOL... oh well.. nothing is that sacred when it comes to paper in our home...
So Have a fun day... see you later...
Love, Light and Peace....Bonnie
I tend to doodle on things... anything that is on the table or where I am sitting... and last night it was on the back of a list of things to do.... so much for getting them done... had to scan and post this one... I love the way it looks ...
Even though it is on an index card... It is still a doodle that I love...
So I wanted to share a feeling with ya'll...
No matter what you do..
if you love it...
and it is a positive in all ways...
it is okay...
So have fun with doodling all over the place... no matter where it is... I have even given some doodles away on a bill here and there... LOL... oh well.. nothing is that sacred when it comes to paper in our home...
So Have a fun day... see you later...
Love, Light and Peace....Bonnie
Zen Tangle
Tuesday, February 5, 2013
She just popped out
Wow.. this face just popped out of no where... I was so happy doing my auroknot and was going to add Dansk all around it... and all of a sudden this woman appeared in the center of the Flower of Life..... she wanted to be seen... and her hair was just flowing in the evening airs... LOL..
I went to bed... and all of a sudden had to get up to tangle... so I was able to create another tangle using dansk...
Thanks Laura for keeping me up all night.. .LOL.
WEll here it is...
Does your mind ever take over with mindless thoughts??? Well that happened also... so with the need to tangle and the mindless thoughts I was able to finally get a few hours sleep...
So now that I have had a few hours of sleep I need to quickly get things done...
Talk later..
Thanks for stopping by for a visit...
Love, Light and Peace...Bonnie
I went to bed... and all of a sudden had to get up to tangle... so I was able to create another tangle using dansk...
Thanks Laura for keeping me up all night.. .LOL.
WEll here it is...
Does your mind ever take over with mindless thoughts??? Well that happened also... so with the need to tangle and the mindless thoughts I was able to finally get a few hours sleep...
So now that I have had a few hours of sleep I need to quickly get things done...
Talk later..
Thanks for stopping by for a visit...
Love, Light and Peace...Bonnie
I am a Diva challenge,
Zen Tangle
Monday, February 4, 2013
First day of the week... Happy Monday... wow... I really got a lot of misc things done today... it really felt so very good... now I am ready for the rest of this very busy and fun filled week... there are so many fun things happening and I am totally excited about it all...
Hopefully I will be able to share it all with you...
Anyway... today the week started off with a general clean up of the Studio and office... I had to do that... as I could not move anymore at all... not kidding... I have all kinds of stuff all around the office to take to the Farmers Market on Saturday... and it had grown past help... so I had to organize it... and get it ready to go to Market as they say... DONE...
Then pick up all kinds of things that my Mom has been sending me... she wants me to have all her personal things that she doesn't use anymore... like large cloth bags...and scarves and fun hats... so she packs them into a box and mails them down... At 93 she is still ruling the roost as they say... and enjoying as much as possible... I have to give her credit... as she stays on top of things... even though she can hardly see anything... I just wish that she had her vision... for so many reasons... but she is having to go thru this with her chin held up high... and I really admire her for that... don't know if I could do what she has done, as eloquently as she has.
Well... then the Diva has her challenge on Mondays too... GREAT.. I will find time some how to do this too... but she didn't have the Mr Linky up... so that was perfect... I will do it after dinner... and that will be great...
So I finished up all my projects... and then got to sit down and TANGLE a little bit...
I did do something a little bit different this week... I took the time and copied out some tangles that I had never used prior... as the challenge was to use Dansk and I had never done that one... so I decided to try a couple of others that were new to me too...
So after dinner... dishes all done... I tangled... But again prior to starting I thought about the fact that I had a few newer strings that I hadn't done... so I copied them out too... and combined a string with the challenge today.. .
I did have fun... but all I could see were the pieces of scrim shaw shining out at me...
They use to be made by old sea Captains to pass the time at sea... they would carve on pieces of whale teeth or bones... and then they would ink it to make it show up... that is just what this reminds me of...
Anyway... I know I will fool around with this dansk more... but maybe not this week.. unless I get a whole lot done tomorrow... busy week... and like I said... all fun things..
So hope that you have a GREAT week... and thanks for stopping by .... I also want to THANK all those that leave me comments... I read them all and sure do wish that I could see your blog and leave comments too... THANKS a Million...
By the way.. I am very proud to announce that I have over 300 followers as of today... and have made over 1000 entries on this blog alone... now mind you I have a FEW more blogs too... which are all growing and gathering followers... put I do most of the fun things here... LOL...
Thanks anyway... I love you all very much from the center of my heart.
Love, Light and Peace... Bonnie
Hopefully I will be able to share it all with you...
Anyway... today the week started off with a general clean up of the Studio and office... I had to do that... as I could not move anymore at all... not kidding... I have all kinds of stuff all around the office to take to the Farmers Market on Saturday... and it had grown past help... so I had to organize it... and get it ready to go to Market as they say... DONE...
Then pick up all kinds of things that my Mom has been sending me... she wants me to have all her personal things that she doesn't use anymore... like large cloth bags...and scarves and fun hats... so she packs them into a box and mails them down... At 93 she is still ruling the roost as they say... and enjoying as much as possible... I have to give her credit... as she stays on top of things... even though she can hardly see anything... I just wish that she had her vision... for so many reasons... but she is having to go thru this with her chin held up high... and I really admire her for that... don't know if I could do what she has done, as eloquently as she has.
Well... then the Diva has her challenge on Mondays too... GREAT.. I will find time some how to do this too... but she didn't have the Mr Linky up... so that was perfect... I will do it after dinner... and that will be great...
So I finished up all my projects... and then got to sit down and TANGLE a little bit...
I did do something a little bit different this week... I took the time and copied out some tangles that I had never used prior... as the challenge was to use Dansk and I had never done that one... so I decided to try a couple of others that were new to me too...
So after dinner... dishes all done... I tangled... But again prior to starting I thought about the fact that I had a few newer strings that I hadn't done... so I copied them out too... and combined a string with the challenge today.. .
![]() |
String #37 and Dansk |
They use to be made by old sea Captains to pass the time at sea... they would carve on pieces of whale teeth or bones... and then they would ink it to make it show up... that is just what this reminds me of...
Anyway... I know I will fool around with this dansk more... but maybe not this week.. unless I get a whole lot done tomorrow... busy week... and like I said... all fun things..
So hope that you have a GREAT week... and thanks for stopping by .... I also want to THANK all those that leave me comments... I read them all and sure do wish that I could see your blog and leave comments too... THANKS a Million...
By the way.. I am very proud to announce that I have over 300 followers as of today... and have made over 1000 entries on this blog alone... now mind you I have a FEW more blogs too... which are all growing and gathering followers... put I do most of the fun things here... LOL...
Thanks anyway... I love you all very much from the center of my heart.
Love, Light and Peace... Bonnie
I am a Diva challenge,
Zen Tangle
Sunday, February 3, 2013
A little Spice in my life
Today is Kombucha bottling day... and wow... we made this new one that is from Sweet Potatoes and Ginger... WOW... a LITTLE Spice??? YIKES... makes my mouth feel like it is on a good fire... Love it... wow... Good Recipe for this drink... If you have never had Kombucha, it is a powerful healthy probiotic drink..very good for restoring and staying healthy... it is generally made from tea, fruit and fermented to the right time... which was today... so delicious... Everything from the farm ... right here!!!! So good in so many ways..
Well today on the ART front... Erin has given us a challenge to make our Zendala today with a few tangles... and I lost... I used more than I should have... I just got so carried away with the design that I couldn't help myself... so sorry ERIN... but it was speaking to me in many different ways and I just went with the mood...
So... here it is...
I used three different colored pens.. one is a copic Sepia, one a sepia from Micron, and then a black one... I got a little carried away... but it was from the Sweet potato Ginger Kombucha... believe me it was...
I did have fun with this... and also had fun the other day in the kitchen making a mock Mint Girl Scout cookie... gluten FREE.... not kidding... and it tastes wonderful too... Three people could not believe that it was gluten free... we had company for dinner and their mouths were hanging down in sheer delight and also because she is totally on a gluten free diet... so she wanted the recipe... I told her we would have to make them together, as I hadn't written it down yet!!! Truth.... but truth be known... I know that when we make them... we will have fun.. and the recipe might not get written down then either... LOL.. .
Well hope that you have a GREAT Day... and enjoy what ever it is you are doing... and thanks so very much for stopping by for a visit... wish I could give you some Kombucha to try... I know that you would love it... very good..
Hope you are on my main site and are able to see the surprise that was under the Mad Hatters Hat!!!
Love, Light and Peace....Bonnie
Well today on the ART front... Erin has given us a challenge to make our Zendala today with a few tangles... and I lost... I used more than I should have... I just got so carried away with the design that I couldn't help myself... so sorry ERIN... but it was speaking to me in many different ways and I just went with the mood...
So... here it is...
I used three different colored pens.. one is a copic Sepia, one a sepia from Micron, and then a black one... I got a little carried away... but it was from the Sweet potato Ginger Kombucha... believe me it was...
I did have fun with this... and also had fun the other day in the kitchen making a mock Mint Girl Scout cookie... gluten FREE.... not kidding... and it tastes wonderful too... Three people could not believe that it was gluten free... we had company for dinner and their mouths were hanging down in sheer delight and also because she is totally on a gluten free diet... so she wanted the recipe... I told her we would have to make them together, as I hadn't written it down yet!!! Truth.... but truth be known... I know that when we make them... we will have fun.. and the recipe might not get written down then either... LOL.. .
Well hope that you have a GREAT Day... and enjoy what ever it is you are doing... and thanks so very much for stopping by for a visit... wish I could give you some Kombucha to try... I know that you would love it... very good..
Hope you are on my main site and are able to see the surprise that was under the Mad Hatters Hat!!!
Love, Light and Peace....Bonnie
Zen Tangle,
Zendala challenge
Saturday, February 2, 2013
Under the Hat is ROMANCE [came] the ten courtiers; these were ornamented all over with diamonds, and walked two and two, as the soldiers did. After these came the royal children; there were ten of them, and the little dears came jumping merrily along hand in hand, in couples: they were all ornamented with hearts. Next came the guests, mostly Kings and Queens...
The theme of
this quote is couples, and that's what we celebrate in February with Valentine's
Day. For the month of February, we are celebrating Romance in Wonderland! As
always, you may enter any project that fits the challenge theme, but those that
feature Wonderland will have two chances at the prize instead of one. Multiple
entries are encouraged but each must be on a separate post; enter by Feb.
We are using the
fabulous Steampunk
Romance images by Simply Betty Stamps [ Store | Challenge Blog ]. The
people pictured in this stamp line resemble grown-up characters in Wonderland,
don't you think? Here is what the oh, so talented Betty has to say:
Simply Betty Stamps started in 2010, when I was forced to close my little scrapbook store due to my last baby coming early. I was home, with a preemie couldn't do much but draw, craft, and had just discovered blogging! I started to nose around about digis, how could I do this, how could I do that? Slowly but surely Simply Betty Stamps was born! I have a quirky sense of humor and I believe it shows in my images. I have immortalized my kids in my images as it is what I love creating with, their everyday shenanigans and goofy ways. I love sharing my creativity, I can't tell you how awesome it is to see others creating with SBS images! I look forward to continuing to bring in the quirkiness to crafters across the globe and look forward to many years of fun images.
So get busy and
show us your interpretation of Romance in Wonderland!
This month with Altered Alice, I have created a couple of things that I will be using often... one is the Mad Hatter's Hat...
But.... and this is a huge BUT....
It is not just any hat...
it is the Mad Hatter's HAT... and we all know that he was a little ....
well .... shall we be nice and say a little 'wild'???
So I tried to calm the look down... and also fancy it up a little and created a hat that will be changed from month to month that will hide the surprise for the month...
So this month... our Great Sponsor is Simply Betty Stamps... and she very graciously gave us as many as we could use... so I took all 6 of these Steampunk Digi Stamps... my mind was spinning with all the pretties that I was going to make with them... and had to choose just one... Oh My Goodness... such trails and tribulations... but I wanted to do something that was romantic, pretty, fun, and also something that would mark the holiday of the month...
So I created this....
Picking up the hat top...
Sitting on the base of this Mad Hatter's Hat???
A book... a card... what is it??? It has some pretty red roses... for the sweet heart in your life...
ohhhhh and some black lace... and some black ribbon... satin black ribbon!!!!
And also white lacey paper trims... what is this... ???
Opening it up... and putting the front and back cover together...
it is a
Of course using digi images you can create your project any size you desire... this book is 6 inches tall... and it is 5.5 inches wide on each page.. . not huge... but it fits under the hat....
All in reds, whites, and black paper laces.... what fun this was to make... I enjoyed each and every page... and you will see why in a minute... as I have used all these wonderful Digi's from Simply Betty Stamps... So go to this page and see them, order them and enjoy playing with them...
Wait until you see each and every page in this star book...
This book was designed for writing in all the ways that you LOVE the person that you are giving this book to...
So Let me count the ways... that you are special to me... I love all that you stand for and I adore YOU ...
On this page I wanted a certain heart... and I couldn't find one in my stash... so I created it..
By writing LOVE all over the heart... just plain and simple... but very dynamic looking on the page.
The back ground papers are from K&Company and are metallic in some places... I love the shimmer that it gives to the pages..
This little area opens and has a lot of room for writing down your feelings... With a touch of shimmer in the background paper too..
These two areas open into little writing areas also...
With a special LOVE attached to each of them...
So the first two sections of the star book are for writing and telling what you adore about the love of your life...
"LOVE is a
How very very true..
Gwendolyn's Section
Each of the following sections have these wonderful Steampunk Digis for ROMANCE... This section has Gwendolyn in it... and of course she is perfect also for so many other projects too... How pretty she is for a special card...
must grow in one's own
Mercius and Annie's Section
Then there is Mercius and Annie... what a delightful couple... of course you can purchase either one ... or both... I personally love this couple very useful for so many future projects I want to create ...
returned is the
True Reward
Love Given "
I accented the pages with Martha Stewart lace papers... and lots of layers of Valentine papers... Spellbinder dies helped to create all the different embellishments that accent these digis... I also used a black paper lace between the sections of the book... just for a little bit of drama... On the edges of some of the layers, I have used a ink to accent the edges. more drama is never out of reach very far... when you are creating with paper and glue!!!
Jacob and Emma
In this section Jacob and Emma are giving Valentines to each other... and their love is so profound!!!
Hearts all over the place... LOVE IT HERE....
" Happiness is meant to be shared "
GRACE'S Section
Grace is at the end of the book... as she is most dramatic of all... so very regal and fun...
" Love
is the only Flower
that grows and blossoms
without the aid of
I do hope that you have enjoyed this Star book... and that you are going to get a few if not all of the steampunk Romance Digital Images from Simply Bettys
Also take a look at all the other images that she offers... wow a ton of fun..
Thanks again for stopping by for a visit... and see you soon... down the Rabbit Hole!!!!
Enjoy the trip...
Love, Light and Peace...Bonnie
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