My Mom and Dad got married in 1942... during WW2 and because of all the lack of money around they were unable to have the wedding that my Mom had always dreamed of... She did have a beautiful dress... which she still proudly has... and they did go on a honeymoon... so they had a pretty nice time of it... but they didn't even have too many pictures... film just wasn't around at that time...
But we did find a picture recently of them right after they were married at the church... and so I decided to make a wedding book for my Mom.. at 92 she deserves it... LOL... So I did it a little vintage... and a little fussy... but generally with a lot of love on each page...
This is the cover of the book... a picture of each of them on their honeymoon in Virginia Beach... the oval is torn out... with a page from a dictionary on wedding... the grunge letters were painted with metallic gold paint...
On the edges of the cover... which I also made the book for these pages too... using a little cardboard and also a 2 ring binder from Tim Holtz Ideology collection... and some paper by Bo Bunny and K and Co.... and also TISSUE TAPE... what a great invention that tape is... it just binds everything... and yes I have them all... waiting for more designs and variations.... love them all.. there is even one with butterflies... which is on of the reasons I am showing you the inside cover...
One of the themes of this book is also butterflies... I love them... and so does my Mom..
I wanted the book to be very informal... even though my Mom is very formal... I didnt' want it to be stuffy... more relaxed...
So I also wanted the shabby chic look too... along with a lot of other feelings... so I wanted tabs on the pages... I have the newest Spellbinders tabs... but they were a little too small for this grand book... which by the way the pages are 8.5 x 8.5 .
I used the Fancy labels by Spellbinder and folded them in half... what great dividers they create... don't you think??? I used white paper and then used Antique Linen Distress stain by Tim add to the vintage look of this book...
I used lots of paper laces, but also lots of vintage things to bring that out... hopefully it shows the way I really wanted it to look... at times when I am working on something, I loose the real look I desire...
The first two pages are on the ENGAGEMENT... that is where it all began... so here are the pages... only two on each subject... as there are not a lot of pictures... this is all of them...
I used Le'Romantique by Graphic 45 for these two pages... also some Bo Bunny in the back ground...
On this page I had the only picture of my Mom and Dad at that time... it is the day of their engagement.... so it is just perfect for this page...
I added a butterfly made from a dictionary page... and some sheet music... I love using Spellbinders as you can see for frames and also for embellishments... like the butterfly....
Okay... I just lost my cool... it has taken me over three hours to get this far... and I am not getting the pictures in the right order here... I am not sure if it is the dial up, me or the blog problems... LOL...whatever it is ... I am just about ready to save this... and finish it at some other time... I need my night time sleep...
This is the Announcement section... so please forgive the order of the pictures... only way I could get them in... after 5 tries...
Look thru this section and then relook to totally understand what I am taking about...
I used the newspaper article on the left side of the book... and the wedding invitation on the right... I wanted to cover the invitation up... for a more formal look for my Mom... so there is a heart shape panel for the opening of the invitation...

I also wanted to create the shabby chic look with this page. I want to tell you some things about this page... it took me a long time to create it... as I learned a lot of things... one was the flowers... I made them from my hand wipes... which are baby wipes... I had gotten some of the inks on my hands... and needed to clean up prior to working on the next section... and there they were staring me in the face... why not try and make flowers from these pretty sheets... and here they are... they are a little tricky.. .but so soft and pretty.... the other thing was this is a scrapbook... so how am going to keep the flowers nice and upright and not get all squashed... so I used four buttons in areas to hold up the pages... the buttons are from my Mom's mothers bathrobe!!!! She will be shocked... anyway they work perfectly... holding the pages up just the right height so my flowers stay fresh and pretty...

Here is a pink one... and the little one is a Pretties by Bonnie flower that I stamped words all over them...
One that is a combination of browns, tans, and I think a little yellow... from somewhere... but again.. the colors are just waste from my hands...
I used a piece of the dictionary paper for my leaves on this page...
The lace is antique lace... and the color is 100% natural... just old... love it..
Okay... here is the page that was suppose to be first... sorry about that... but I did try... just computer issues of some kind...
And here is the cover of the invitation... I used the Grand labels four and made a holder for the invitaion... nd then on the smaller one, ran it thru an embossing folder... and then used some Distressing ink to color it...
I hope you can see the heart lock panel... it is so pretty... (by Tim again... )
The papers that I have used are really mainly Graphic 45 and Bo Bunny... there are some K and co papers... and of course papers that I create... I love using white paper and making it into something else..
Onto the WEDDING pictures...
This is the only picture that we have of my Mom and Dad's wedding... My Dad was in the Coast Guard... and his best man was his cousin... who was also in the Coast Guard...
I used the same picture twice... to make it look like I had more... but I only had one... I used some pretty cutouts from a Le' Romantique sheet... and then used my Just Rite Stamps to create the little frame...
Again... a little tiny piece of dictionary paper was hanging around... so I cut it out in the shape of a flower... and since I was using the buttons on this page, used a larger button from me Mom's button collection...
As you can see the picture is not that good... but it is a picture of them... and so we are making believe that is it is perfect...
The wedding was perfect for them... and they were married for over 59 years... maybe it was shy by only a few months of 60... wow... that is a long time...
On to the Honeymoon...
They went to Virginia Beach.. which from Connecticut was a long drive... they stayed at the famous Cavalier Hotel... and had a wonderful time...
The wedding was in October... so it was a little chilly during the days for swimming etc... but they totally enjoyed all the walks on the beaches etc...
I used a lot of Spellbinders for the background papers on this page... and even used some Just Rite Stamps to accent some of the areas...
No on this page I had fun with some punches... and used the Antique Linen Distress Stain on everything that I could... I wanted it to look old and pretty...
I accented the waves from the ocean with a sand dollar... and then put a ticket behind my Dad... it wasn't too long after their wedding that they moved to Lewes, Delaware... where I was born two years later... then my Dad was shipped off to the Phillipines for a tour of duty... home though to see me take my first steps...
I love these last two pages... I really had to strugle with them... as they were the last ones in the book... and didn't want the time to end...
But here they are... the one on left... a picture of my Mom when they arrived home after their honeymoon...
I know they didnt send post cards etc... but I know that my mom started to write a I used the ink well stamp... and then colored it and put a sheet of plastic over it.... so it would look like glass.... the ink well spots/rings are so much using some stamps that I have had in hiding for way too long... someday maybe I will find it... and then I will put it with this book... . LOL.. what fun.
I used the EK success punch on the bottom... with the pumpkins... it was late fall when they returned home... Pumpkin time... the flower I made from paper... a little bud...
But I wanted to add one more picture... and it was of thier first home together... it was in Lewes Delaware, and my Dad was stationed in the Coast Guard there... it is also where I was born... and the first home I lived in too... so the story starts all over again.... LOL...
Down in the bottom right hand corner of this page is a picture of my Dad and I used diamond glaze over the picture and made it look even more antiqued than it was.... the key says LOVE.... and the sign 1st Home I created from the FAMOUS Grunge Letters and paper.... I used a black paint and then a brown paint... and then sanded it and touched it up with Broken China...distress pad.... love the look... I had to add a few butterflies as the back ground of this paper is one large white butterfly... it just was calling to me...
I really had a great time making this book... and was really sorry when it finished... but I am going to add a few embellishments prior to putting it into the mail to my Mom... I just found an engagement ring... and will put that into the book... it is a very nice junk ring... looks like the real thing... until you feel the weight... LOL... also a few more butterflies and things that I feel it needs...
Started on another book yesterday and have that one almost done too... wait until you see that one.. love it too... it is with all my Mom's toys she had while growing up... she was a very spoiled child... yiikes... totally spoiled... to the umph degree...
See you soon... have a few other things to create... but will be back soon... hope that you are too... I love having you visit... and thank you to all those that are becoming followers... I really have a nice bit pile of goodies that is growing weekly... so as soon as I have 300 followers, I will have a drawing and there will be some lucky people...
Hope you have a wonderful day today... and every day... create something fun, creative, and loving...
Love, Light and Peace...Bonnie