Okay... this is the last of the Dare to get Dirty challenge cards... 33 challenges and this was the last one I had to do... it was for only one challenge... and I had so much fun doing this one..
I just got it finished in time...
As most of your most likely know by now... I live on a farm... our farm.. an Organic Biodynamic farm... which means that certain things have to be done on certain days... and on Wednesday it was THE DAY TO do pickles, and that kind of thing with all the zucchini!!!!
But I had three more cards to get done... and I wanted to get them done... but I put them aside.. and thought ... Oh well.. I guess I will not be a challenge Queen this year... I had to do some farm work.. and also things that Glenn and I feel are very important...A self sustaining way of life... which means a lot to us... So I left my cards on my workshop table... and went out and started to process huge amounts of zucchini, cukes and okra.. .
Okay.. I froze sliced zucchini... 16 gallons of it...
Made 20 quarts of garlic, dill cuke pickles... and then
made some zucchini pickles... only 10 quarts of them.. LOL..
Okay.. the okra... a real southern veggie that I grew up on.. and love.. but now we eat it raw... and so I put them all in the refrig.. done.. back to my cards...
I got the ones done that you see in the post below... ONE MORE TO GO...
The one that was above...
I started to work on it... and realized that my left shoulder from all the cutting of 16 gallons of zucchini was starting to really give me huge amounts of pain..
WEll I called up my chiropractor and made an afternoon appointment...
Worked on my card a little bit more... with just a little to finish up when I came back..
But she had other plans for me..
So I did follow her instructions AFTER I FINISHED THE CARD!!!!
LOL.. how could I not finish this one last card... OH......
So here it is... and I am crowned and sitting in my lazy boy for a few days now...
I shouldn't even be typing... but I am using one hand... so I guess it is all right...
Had to cancel all dates with friends... ugh... not nice... paper friends are special friends... and so maybe next week we will get together...
So I will have to beg off of the tutorial this week-end for the other half of the right angle punching... but I will get to it.. I promised y'all and I will do it..
Also the quilling... I just need to rest this poor over worked shoulder... no more zucchini today... and if you know anything about zucchini... there is another whole counter filled with it today.. .ugh... but that will have to wait.. .
So Anne... in response to your question... I do make my own cards... LOL......and I do all the farming fun things too.. and I do have a cleaning crew that comes in and cleans though.. .and my hubby is always helping me in all ways.. .not in the studio... but in the kitchen... and I dont' know what I would do without him in many ways.. .mentally, emotionally and physically too..
So I will take a break for a couple of days... and I will most likely be back in the swing of things before you know it...
Until then..
Love, Light and Peace...Bonnie